The Stranger In The Blue Hoodie

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Third person P.O.V

Camp Halfblood, 36 days after the Second Giant War.

A stranger entered camp. He had light pink slippers, black jogging-bottoms and a light blue hoodie. Walking right through the magic border and past Pelius, who was undisturbed. No matter what, he kept his hands in his pockets, and his hooded head down, so nobody could see his face. As he entered, he caught the attention of the border patrol.

"Hey, punk!" Clarisse said, walking up to him. But the figure ignored her. "Hey!" she yelled, annoyed, "I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me!" But the figure just walked past, with his back to Clarisse.

Infuriated, Clarisse ran at the stranger, ready to push him over. But as she got close, he sidestepped, sending Clarisse tumbling down Half-Blood Hill. The other Ares campers on patrol snickered, but the figure just kept walking.

Quite quickly, the stranger had accumulated quite the crowd. As he approached the Big House, almost all the campers were surrounding him.

"Who are you?" Mr D said from the porch of the Big House, "And what do you want?"

For the first time, the person spoke in a deep voice. "I'm here to see Chiron."

Mr D sighed, "Nobody ever wants to see me." he muttered. "Chiron!" he called, "Somebody's here to see you!"

Shortly after, Chiron emerged onto the porch, sitting in his wheelchair. "And who may you be?" he asked.

"Who I am doesn't matter." The man said, "It's who I'm here to talk about."

"And who might that be?" Chiron asked.

"Percy Jackson." The person said. Silence. Then, a blonde haired boy burst out of the crowd.

"What about him?" Jason Grace asked, "Do you know where he is?"

"Unfortunately not." The figure said, "But I can track him down."

Jason seemed taken aback, he looked at Chiron, now in full Centaur form. "Get Hazel." he said, "We need to talk." Jason nodded, and sprinted away. "I'll send for you when we have decided what to do." Chiron said, before the stranger turned around, and walked away.

---------Time Skip---------

The figure was standing, alone, on Half-Blood Hill, looking at the camp.

"Hey, Punk!" Clarisse called, approaching the figure, "I know you can talk, so stop ignoring me." The figure remained silent. Angered, Clarisse ran at him. Which, again, the figure easily sidestepped, sending Clarisse tumbling onto the grass. The figure chuckled.

"What was that, Punk?" Clarisse asked, running at him again, with the same outcome. But this time, Clarisse got really angry. She drew her spear and charged at the person. As she did this, the figure turned to look at her, before sidestepping once again. After a few minutes of this, a large crowd had accumulated watching the two 'fight' even though it was so unfair. For Clarisse.

After five minutes of dodging, the figure got tired. This time, instead of dodging Clarisse's lunge, he extended his arm at an alarmingly fast rate, revealing a bony hand pointing at Clarisse. Suddenly, she stopped moving, and a blue heart appeared above her head.

"Wha, What's happening?" She asked, panicked.

"Drop the spear." The figure said.

"No. I won't drop my weapon! I am a child of Ares!" Clarisse yelled.

Suddenly, there was a blue flash from under the figures hood, and what looked like giant, floating skulls fanned out, circling Clarisse.

"Drop. The. Spear." The figure said. His deep voice low but commanding.

Clarisse dropped her spear, and whimpered in fear. There was another blue flash under his hood, and the skulls were gone. The figure withdrew his hand, and Clarisse fell the few inches to the floor.

"I'll be in Cabin 2." He said.

"There's nobody in Cabin 2." One of the demigods piped up.

"That's why I'm going there." And with that, there was another blue flash under the hood, and the figure vanished.


*Gasp* who could this mysterious figure be? The guy with the skeleton hands and the ability to summon skulls and teleport by making his eye flash blue. If you can't get this then you really shouldn't be reading this book.

As promised, there's a question. Today's question is. Drumroll please...

What was Papyrus' first pun in Undertale?

Remember, first person to answer right (if done before next chapter) will get a dedication.

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