Year 4 - Department of Mysteries

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"Stupefy!" I yell and the two Death Eaters before me fly through the air. We run back to the place where we think the door was. A dark smoke forms a Death Eater in front of us. We split up and then run into each other again. It's like a maze down here. Again the dark smoke comes near us, "Reducto!" and he explodes.

"Look, the prophecies are coming down," Olivia notes.

"I think it's time to run," Ginny suggests.

"Good plan," I hear my brother answer and we start running again, looking for the door. We finally find one. When we enter we fall and inches before we hit the ground we hover a few seconds and then hit it.

"Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?" Ron mumbles to himself.

"The voices. Can you hear them?" my brother asks while walking to an archway. Why does he always hear voices nobody else hears? It's just strange.

"I hear them too. Do you too, Neville?" Luna asks.

"Yes, I do."

"It's just an empty archway," Hermione says to bring them back to reason.

"I think we should get out of here, it doesn't feel right. There is something bad about to happen here," I say.

"I agree with Darcy, this place is creeping me out," Olivia agrees on the moment the dark smokes are back. They take each one of us so Harry stays alone in the middle. We're in a circle around Harry, each pinned by a Death Eater. When I see Malfoy walking up to Harry, I try to get inside the head of my abductor.

"Give me the prophecy and nobody gets hurt," Mr Malfoy instructs.

"Don't Harry!" I hear Neville go against it. I can't see what is happening because I'm too busy trying to get inside the Death Eaters head.

"Get away from my godson," I hear Sirius say. Wait, Sirius? Now time to think because I just got in. I make him cast spells at his team members. I look around and see the Order fighting the Death Eaters.

"Avada Kedavra!" I hear Lestrange yell and see Sirius hovering to the arch. I see my brother become mad and run after her, so I run after him.

"I killed Sirius Black," I hear her singing. She really makes me sick.

"Crucio!" I hear my brother yell.

"No, Harry! Don't lower yourself to her level," I run up to them and see my brother pointing his wand at her while she is lying pathetically on the ground, "You're better than this, Harry. Better than her."

"So sweet," I hear a voice behind us and Bellatrix starts laughing now, her mad laugh. I know who it is, I don't need to turn around to know. My brother turns around to face him but I don't. I keep my eyes on Bellatrix, not wanting to see his face again. "So weak," and my brother loses his wand, but I still have mine.

"Hey, Bella, maybe you can ask him now?" I suggest when she tries to crawl.

"Aks me what, Bellatrix?" Voldemort asks.

"Nothing my Lord," she mumbles.

"Ow, come on Bella, don't be shy." I encourage her with a smirk on my face. She gives me a death glare. I can see in her eyes that she really likes to kill me right now.

"Bellatrix, you don't hide secrets from your master. Spit it out!"

"She said that I needed to ask you about your father," she mumbles, the fear in her eyes visible.

"And why did she do that?" I know this question is meant to me so I answer.

"We all know there were two boys who fit the conditions of the boy in the prophecy yet you chose my brother because he is and half-blood, just like you are. She didn't believe me when I said you were one so I gave her a fact: that most great wizards in history were half-bloods. She still didn't believe me so I said she should ask about your father, Tom."

"Don't call me that, that's the name my muggle father gave me. I gave myself a new name, a name everyone would fear. I made an end with my past by killing them all, those filthy Muggles," he says in disgust.

"Still, doesn't change your blood status." On that moment that Dumbledore walks in.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom," Dumbledore says, "The Aurors are on their way."

"By which time I shall be gone and you shall be dead," Voldemort answers and then attacks. Bellatrix flees and Dumbledore slides us aside. I don't know for how long they're already fighting but suddenly my brothers' eyes change and he starts to convulse.

"You've lost, old man," my brother says. I get inside his head and see flashes. I notice the presence of someone else too, Voldemort. He took over my brothers body, now they're fighting to get the control.

"Harry, it isn't how you are alike but how you're different. It's about the choices you make," Dumbledore says, "Harry?"

"You're the weak one," my brother starts speaking, which means he's on the winning hand, "and you'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you." a black smoke comes out of his chest and I hug my brother. When I look around I see Voldemort made a circle around us and only the three of us, Voldemort my brother and I, are in it.

"You're a fool, Harry Potter, and you'll lose everything," Voldemort says at the moment the Minister comes in. Voldemort disappears pronto and my brother faints.

"He's back," the Minister whispers in disbelieve. A picture is taken by the Daily Prophet. I'm sure we make the front page.


Everything is back to normal now, well almost everything. Umbridge is gone, the Minister quit, my brother and Dumbledore's names are cleared. It's summer now, everybody is back on the train home. Nobody knows what will happen but we can only hope for the best.

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