"For a second I thought you weren't going to shake my hand." Jake laughed.

"Yeah, well..." Amari cut me off.

"He's just skeptical." Amari glared at me before grabbing Jake's hand. "Let's go dance."

Jake laughed and allowed Amari to lead him onto the dance floor.

"What's taking so long?" Naomi asked walking over to me.

"Nothing." I shook my head. "Let's dance."

Before she could reply, I pulled her onto the dance floor.

An Hour Later

Jake and I slow danced for what felt like the third time Tonight. I was having an amazing time with him. Conversation came easy, he was nice to look at, and he had manners. Everyone had complimented us as they saw us and it felt good.

"I'm gonna go find a restroom." I whispered to Jake.

"Alright. I'll be sitting over by the live band." He said.

He watched me walk away and I felt special for the first time in a long time. I sat on the couch outside of the bathrooms and took off my heels. I didn't want Jake to think I couldn't handle wearing heels as a fancy dress, so I had to step away. In reality, I knew it was too soon to wear heels after getting my boot off, but I wanted to look good so I did it anyway. My ankle was killing me, but I would just have to deal with that later.

"Tired?" I heard come from behind me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. A sigh escaped my lips when I saw that it was just Tyler.

"No." I shook my head. "My ankle hurts a little."

"You shouldn't be standing on it for too long." Tyler said sitting beside me. "You did just get out of a boot."

"I know." I sighed. "But our outfits coordinated so well. So many people complimented us Tonight."

"You do look good on his arm." Tyler mumbled gently pulling my foot into his lap as he began to massage it. "You look good in this dress."

"Do I really?" I asked staring him in the eyes.

His eyes never left mine as his hand slowly rubbed up my leg and beneath my dress.

"You knew that when you left the house." He said pulling me closer so that my foot wasn't in his lap, but my entire leg was thrown over his lap.

I was almost in his lap. He placed a hand on my lower back and moved closer to my face.

"Tyler..." I trailed off.

"Amari?" He whispered causing his lips to gently brush against my ear.

"Someone might come out here." I said.

"We'll hear them before they see us." He said kissing down my neck.

"Jake is waiting for me." I shook my head gently pushing him away.

"Let him wait." Tyler shrugged. "Unless you really want to go back."

He looked me in my face and when I didn't say anything, he sighed and grabbed hold of my foot again.

"You've only just met him, Amari." He said massaging my foot and ankle.

"I know, but I think I might like him." I said.

"That's ridiculous." He scoffed. "I'd rather you be with Jason."

"Or would you rather I be with you?" I asked before I could stop myself.

We both froze and Tyler slowly looked at me.

"We're just friends." He said softly.

"I know." I sighed picking up my shoe and putting it on. "We'll always be just friends."

I sighed and walked back into the banquet hall.

"I was just about to come looking for you." Jake said softly grabbing my hand.

"I got lost." I lied.

"Well, maybe next time we can get lost together, okay?" He smiled at me and my heart fluttered.

"Okay." I smiled back.

"Let's go sit. You really shouldn't strain your ankle so much." He said. "I'll carry you if you'd like."

"No, I'm fine." I laughed as we made our way over to a table.

My mind wasn't on Tyler or Jason or whoever else. I was with Jake and that's all I wanted to be. We were so perfectly in sync with one another and it was refreshing to not have to argue or fight over everything.

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