My Secret Love 05

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hope you's enjoy reading it, tbh i'm starting to really enjoy writting it but today was kind of hard cuz i'm ill and off school but i wanted to write so the story could get more chaptas and plus i will try to upload another few chapters befo next week bcuz a week tomoro vampire acadamey (book 6) is coming out and trust me i love that book so much am sure i'll be soo busy reading it that i won't have time to do anything else. anywayz hope you like this chapter, and plz vote or comment :D

chapter 5

From the moment Rose and Daniel's lips met unwanted tears were escaping my eyes and making their way down my cheeks and I wanted with all my heart for it all to be an unbearable nightmare so I would wake up any minute and find out none of it was real. I stood there staring at both of them with tears still coming down my face not being able to stop them, or able to do anything until Rose waved for me to come closer. And when she realised I was crying she dropped Daniel's hand and started to walk back to where I was. "What's wrong?" Rose asked, her expression showing nothing but concern. I tried to wipe away the remaining tears as I answered her question, "I - I don't know, think something went in my eye." "Don't lie to me, because seriously Nora I hate liars. So just tell me what's up," Rose snapped as she moved to stand right in front of me. "Seriously Rose nothing, I have to hurry and get home Sam texted me saying he's waiting for me outside by the bus stop so I'll see ya later," I know I lied to her face but I figured it'd be better than going in a car with her and her boyfriend who just turned out to be the one and only person I loved and will always love. I ran towards the school gate not letting Rose say anything else. Once out the school I crossed the road to stand in the bus stop, which was crowded with school pupils, which was probably the only reason I held my tears from falling.

Not even 5 minutes had past till I realised fresh tears were sliding down my cheeks again, I guess keeping myself from crying in the bus stop wasn't as easy as I thought. "Are you alright," a deep voice to my right caused me to jump. I turned to find a cute black haired and brown-eyed boy looking at me with nothing but concern. "Yeah, thank you. I'm fine." He was still looking at me so I took the time to do the same. He had Eastwood High blazer, shirt and tie and even though the uniform was a bit 'cheesy' he still makes it look pretty sexy on him. I smiled at my thoughts as he spoke again, "You're the new kid, Nora I think." "Yeah, how'd you know my name," I answered. "Are you seriously asking how I know you're name, because if I think correctly every boy in the school probably knows you're name." He smiled at the confused look on my face and continued, "Well you see when an extremely hot girl is new to the school, then you soon find every boy curious to find out everything about her." My faces turned red at the thought of being called 'hot' by a boy who was probably well out of my league and extremely hot himself. Keeping my eyes away from his, "Oh... but I'm not exactly what you would use as a definition of 'hot'. "Well you obviously don't see the effect your beauty has on people if you saying stuff like that, heck I bet you don't even know you're beautiful." If I thought I was blushing before well that was nothing compared to the colour of my face now. What exactly was he getting at I thought to my self. I was about to say something, anything to take the attention of me but stopped as I seen a number 18 bus in the distance. "It was nice talking to you," I turned back to the stranger for his name. "Damen," he replied with a smile. "Well Damen, it was nice talking to you but my bus is coming." His smile widened at that "Nora, I can tell just by you saying that how new you are here." "How?" I asked confused. "Because only the 18 bus stops here which means my bus is coming too." How stupid of me I thought, off course it does the sign just above the bus shelter tells exactly what buses stop here. "Oh," was all I managed to say before the bus stopped right in front of the bus stop.

During the whole bus journey home Damen and I sat together and talked. I found out a little more about him than just his name. I found out that he was a year older than me which would make him 17 since I was soon going to turn 16 and lived only 5 minutes away from me. I told him a little about why I moved here and what happened to my parents and little sister in the car crash, which to be honest I hadn't even discussed with Sam till this day. I talked about everything else happening in my life apart from one thing or person I should say. Daniel. Even though he was on my mind during the whole journey Damen helped distract me a little from thinking about him. When my stop arrived, faster than I had expected Damen was kind enough to offer to walk me to my house but I refused not wanting him to walk me and then having to walk himself to his own house. So I got off and waved a goodbye and started to walk down the street that lead to the block of apartments just like Sam had said. I was two blocks away when all of a sudden Daniel comes into view leaning against his car, which was parked right in front of my block. Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him I thought to myself as I closed the distance between us. Not looking at him once till I realised he had followed me up the stairs and stood behind me as I opened the door to the apartment. Just as quickly as I opened the door was just as quick as I slammed it in his face. "Nora, are you upset with me," he called through the closed door. Upset didn't even begin to explain my feelings. "Because if you are, then tell me and I will fix it. Please just open the door," he continued. Was I over reacting I thought to my self. Really why did I run away from him in the car park like he was my boyfriend of many years and was just caught cheating on me. I know it's because I love him and all but there was no need for the tears and the running. He thought of me as a friend I'm sure. Always has and always will. And the only way around this situation is for me to start thinking of him as a friend. And only a friend.

"Why were you crying at the car park," Daniel asked as soon as I opened the door for him. "I - I wasn't, I just needed to get to the bus stop." I closed the door and made my way into the living room. He followed close behind me and settled on the leather sofa "You know Nora, I wouldn't believe that there was no reason behind you crying in the car park even if I hadn't seen you cry with my own eye." He is so oblivious to the real reason behind why I was crying and he expects me to tell him. 'Well you see Daniel, the reason I was crying is because I love you so much it broke my heart to see you with that bi-Rose' I thought to say but keep quiet since I was sure telling him how I felt about him would get me no where so instead I said, "What business is it of yours, why are sitting here anyway acting all kind and pretending to care." That wasn't half of what I wanted to get of my chest. I wanted so badly to walk up to him and tell him everything starting from how much I love him to why I was so pained at the sight of seeing him kiss Rose but I didn't say anything or do anything. He stayed quiet for a few second before sighing loudly, "Because you're my best friend, you always have been." By the look in his eye I could tell he wanted to go deeper into the subject but didn't which gave me a chance to get some words of my own out in the open "How can I be you're best friend when we don't even know each other that well." He winced and I swear I seen him look hurt by my words but it was gone so quick it made me think if maybe I had imagined it after all. "It's nice to know that you've forgot our childhood, when you would spend more time in my house than in your own," he stated. I smiled at the memory of our past and the days when I spent most of my time in his house thanks to my mum who was best friends with his mum. The thought of my mum brought fresh tears in my eyes but I pushed them back just as quickly as they had appeared and replied to what he had said, "Look Daniel, I don't know what your intention is for being here but what ever it is I'm not interested." I would love to say that me saying this didn't hurt me or make me feel guilty but if truth be told it hurt more than anything. I didn't like the thought of him being hurt never mind me being the cause. "I don't have any other intention for being here than wanting to be friend like we used to be," he said don't bothering to hide his hurt expression. He was right to think we were best friends when we were younger because he sure was my closest friend at the time but then again that was then. People change. I turned my back to him and went and sat in the arm chair at the other side of the room from where he sat as I said, "I don't know really because Sam told me you were trouble and that I should sta--." He laughed stopping me from finishing my half true half false statement on what Sam had said. His laugh filled the room and continued for a little longer than necessary before I interrupted him, "What's so funny." He stopped and had a serious face again "The fact that your brother thinks I'm trouble is what's so funny." And with that he started laughing again but harder this time making me more annoyed than before. "What exactly does that supposed to mean," I asked half annoyed half confused by his words. Once again he stopped laughing and answered with utter seriousness "I can't believe him, he's not told you has he?" Instead of him making me less confused he confused me further. What exactly is it that Sam hadn't told me? "What exactly is it that Sam hasn't told me," I asked the question out loud. Daniel looked pained by my question as if he was having a hard time thinking of a reply "Nora, I'm sorry but it really isn't my place to say. This is between you and him." "But Daniel, I thought we were best friend and don't you think best friends tell each other everything even if it isn't there place to say." Even though I was referring to him as a best friend, I was only doing so to get the information I wanted about Sam because as far as me and Daniel went we were anything but best friends. The thought of us being friends tormented not to mention being best friends because best friends only meant one thing, which was nothing, could ever happen between two best friends. My thought were interrupted by Daniel's voice "So means you've accepted me as your best friend then." I nodded quickly for him to continue and he did, "Well okay but you have to promise you won't get mad or angry because what I'm about to tell you is pretty hard to take in." again I just nodded wishing he would hurry up and spit it out. "Well you should know, that I have known Sam since the time he moved here and I have to say he would have been better staying back home instead of moving here where he..." Everything stopped including Daniel talking as we both listened to a key being inserted into the front door, which was soon open allowing the person to enter who I didn't have to think twice to know who it was. Sam of course.

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