Chapter 8: A New Member

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"Yeah it is, but she seems to like it. That's all that matters" Naofumi replied. Their attention was caught when a lot of people started to head towards the entrance of the town.

"We ought to check this out. Seems a little bit suspicious" Y/N stated. He started to walk out of the Stables. Raphtalia and Sistine quickly followed after Y/N. Naofumi let Filo out and they were quick to catch up.

As they got closer, the little dragon hopped onto Y/N's shoulder. This kinda confused him at the moment. Sure the little feller was on and off with his feeling about Y/N, but something was bothering him.

They approached the crowd and saw knights making a barrier. Y/N looked up and saw Princess Myne/Malty on a stand and Motoyasu, the spear hero, on a dragon. Y/N's dragon saw this one and startled to snarl.

"Hey, settle down. Itll be alright" Y/N commanded. Fortunately for him, he did listen and just started to stare at Motoyasu.

"From this moment, Sir Motoyasu, the spear hero, will be the new lord of the Town of Loot. In efforts of rebuilding this place after the Wave. There will be a toll of fifty silvers to enter and to leave this town" Princess Malty stated while reading from a scroll.

"Fifty silvers? We will all go broke and suffer" one citizen complained.

"Yeah! And who even appointed The Spear Hero? It was the Shield Hero that saved the town!" Another citizen yelled.

"You dare defy royalty and his worthiness?" Malty spat back towards the citizens.

"Damn straight, these people know the truth" a familiar voice rang into Princess and Motoyasu's ears. They both looked towards the crowd and saw a familiar cowboy hat making it's way to the front.

"Long time no see Cinderella, you've healed up since I gave you that ass whopping?" Y/N questioned walking by a few citizens.

"Why you..." Motoyasu gripped his weapon. Myne was very surprised to see him.

"Guards! Do not let Y/N come any closer"

"How about that" Y/N smirked it was covered by his mask though. "I've gained your respect that you call me by my name. I do have a question for Motoyasu though."


"Do you know how much it costs to stat at the Inn here?" Y/N replied petting his dragon to calm him down. Naofumi was doing his best to keep filo in check.

"No, I honestly do not"

"One silver" Y/N replied flipping the coin. "One silver coin a night. That includes food and everything. And ya expect to charge these people a toll? I've said it once, I'll say it again. Yer dumber than a box of rocks and duller than rusted iron"

"Hey!" Myne tried to yell back. But a few people covered in cloaks appeared in front of her.

"I believe you know who we are associated with" one stated while handing Myne a scroll. They soon left, but Myne opened the scroll and became bewildered by it. She closed it and pointed at the Shield Hero.

"Shield Hero! Motoyasu challenges you to a race for the title of being this town's lord!"

Naofumi was very confused about what just happened. "Huh?"


"I decline" Naofumi told Y/N and the citizens.

"But Sir Shield Hero, we will be doomed if you dont do this" the current lord pleaded. Naofumi sighed and looked away.

"Look, I know this ain't your idea for charity, but still, these people need your help. I know how Myne and Motoyasu are. This is your chance to start getting back at them for everything they've done to ya." Y/N explained. The Dragon was on his shoulder and it kept nodding its head, like it knew what they were saying.

The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum