"I'm gonna unchain your arms, okay? I gotta go to work."
I kept on repeating Vic's words over and over in my head. He came down here in the morning telling me he has to go to work and won't be back until 6 in the evening. He also left some food and drink at the table which was now standing directly next to my bed so I could reach for it easily. He, however, took away his weapons from the table. Not that I was surprised, but on the other hand, what would I do with them?
I mean, I could destroy the chains if I had enough strenght, which I hadn't. I was weak from the lack of food and sleep so that wouldn't work out. And if it, from some mysterious cause, did, then what? Vic locked the door of the basement behind him so it's not like I could run away or something.
Maybe he was afraid that I could kill myself with them? But that wouldn't make sense, he wants me dead, anyway, right? But the thing is, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't kill myself. I wouldn't ruin the chance of ever getting back home.
Now that I think about, does anybody even search for me? Like, do they know that I disappeared? Does my mom cry every night because of me? Does my sister feel sad because of it? Does Justin stare aimlessly at a blank wall all day?
I don't think so...
My mom stopped caring about me the day I told her I was gay, just like my sister. And Justin? He probably hasn't even noticed that I went missing. But it's only been couple of days, I don't expect them to aknowledge my absence. But Justin's my best bud, he will notice eventually, probably when I won't arrive to the shop tomorrow.
Now that I reminded myself of working, I was actually kind of surprised that Vic has a job. Well, other one than torturing people. I know that the first day we talked he said that he works for some dick of a guy, but after those last days, I thought that all he did was sit at a table, planning his next murder. Apparently not.
I think maybe two hours have passed since he's left the house and unchained my arms. My wrists were still sore from being chained to the bed and had red marks where the cuffs dug in. I decided to eat my lunch, since I didn't have anything better to do. I ignored the pain in my stomach as I reached for the food. Vic made me turkey sandwiches and he also brought some cookies and water. To be honest, the sandwiches tasted really good and I was, once again, surprised by Vic's cooking skills.
After I finished eating, I placed the plate back on the table and lay my head back on my pillow with a content sigh. Suddenly, I had nothing to do. I considered counting the bricks on the walls, but I would always get distracted by my thoughts and forget where I stopped.
Soon enough, an idea popped into my head, bringing a smile on my face. I sat up, cleared my throat and began singing.
Our voices still silence
the plans that we've made
the dead cannot hear
all the prayers that we begI sang the whole song, lying down as I sang the last verse.
There's no price we won't pay
and we steal it back just to give it away
it's time now to replace these walls
the walls around our heartsI then remembered the song I wrote couple months ago. I wasn't that good at writing songs, but I loved doing it 'cause every single one had a piece of my heart in it. I began humming the beggining of the song, then eventually singing the first verse...
True friends lie underneath,
The witty words I don't believe
I can't believe a damn thing they say anymore.I sang couple of other songs I liked and apparently, it exhausted me just enough to fall asleep.
"Fuckin' hell!" I heard someone yell. It startled me and I jumped awake, looking around the room. No one was there. I heard a door slam closed and then footsteps coming closer. I guess Vic's home, then, I thought to myself. The doors flew open and in walked Vic. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning in the progress.
"Hi." I tried to make a small conversation with him, but instead of greeting me back, Vic slapped me across my cheek.
"Shut up, whore!" He snapped at me. I gasped in shock and placed my hand over the place where he hit me, looking at him in disbelief. He was pacing the room, tugging on his hair.
"Fucking dickhead, I'm gonna fucking murder him." He kept on repeating. I was getting a bit scared. What if he hurts me again? And who is he talking about?
"Vic, what happened?" I asked him quietly, afraid of what he might do.
"Shut the fuck up, I'm thinking." He snapped once again. I just nodded, even though he couldn't see me. I watched him as he kept pacing the room. He then stopped and looked up at me, an evil smile plastered on his face.
Oh no...
I knew that smile. It was the kind of smile that said you're-not-gonna-enjoy-this-but-I'm-gonna-love-it. I also knew that as he left the room and ran up the stairs, that he won't come back empty-handed.
And I was right.
By the sound of stairs squeaking, I could tell that he was back. I looked in Vic's direction and sure as hell, he was holding something that looked like a lighter. Well, that's new.
"I think that you know what this is, right, Kells?" He smirked at me. He sat at the opposite side of bed to me, practically between my legs.
"It's a lighter." I told him. I was surprised that my voice didn't even shake as I said it. It almost sounded confident. Almost...
"You're right. And do you know, what lighters do, Kells?" He asked, the smirk still on his face. And what is with the nickname?
"They set things on fire, burn things..." I said, looking directly at him. He was smiling, but it wasn't that smile I liked, it was the sick kind of smile. The one I couldn't stand.
"That's correct, Kells. One last question; what do you think I'm going to do with this lighter that sets things on fire, burns things?" He lifted his eyebrow at me. I swallowed, loud enough for Vic to hear.
"Y-you're going to h-hurt me." I whispered, stuttering a little. He smiled, moving closer to me, the lighter clenched in his hand. He was dangerously nearing my face. I wanted to move away, but it was like I was stuck, I couldn't move. My breathing hitched and I thougth he was going to kiss me, but instead he leaned his forehead against mine and let out a sigh.
"You don't have to do that." I whispered. "You don't have to hurt me."
"I don't?" He asked, whispering as well.
I shook my head slightly. "No." I told him.
"But the thing is, Kells, that I want to cause pain" he started, pulling away and looking at me, "only not to you."
And before I knew what was happening, he lit the lighter up and put it to his forearm, burning his skin.
"No!" I yelled, grabbing the lighter from him and throwing it across the room. He didn't make a sound, it was like he didn't just fucking burn his skin to flesh, he just looked at me confusedly. It was as if he was aking me why would I do that, but the thing is, that I have no idea why. I don't know why I didn't want Vic to hurt himself like that, I just didn't.
"Don't you ever do that again." I shouted at him in frustration. I'm not sure what made me so angry at him, but I was fucking raging. I let out a sigh and lay down on the bed, covering my face with a pillow.
"Kells, I-"
"Just go." I mumbled against the pillow, not wanting to talk to Vic anymore.
"Goodnight." He whispered, I didn't bother answering him as he left the basement.
Hi guys, I just wanna thank you for reading this story, I appreciate it :)
Also, the first song is Force Without Violence by The Used and the second one is With Ears to See and Eyes to Hear by Sleeping with Sirens.

Daggers Speak Louder Than Words (Kellic)
FanfictionTo Kellin, Vic seems like a normal guy, living a normal life. That opinion, however, changes the second Kellin sees Vic killing a person.