Chapter 9 - the Ayesha's squads

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Sorry if you guys are having confusion on this chapter. I'm having one too when in wrote this chapter. So, I'm practically apologise to you guys. But still, enjoy this chapter.

When the laser drill ship dropped into an enormous open space within the planet, the guardians gather on the side of the ship open to the hollow, gazing out at its stunning beauty.

And was lit by Ego's white glow running throughout. Everyone was amazed by the beautiful scene of the cave.

"Whoa.." Gamora and (Y/N) said, amazed by the beauty.

Mantis then turned around, looking through the portholes on the other side. She then saw Ego's core.

"There! That's Ego's core!" Mantis yelled while pointing to the core.

Everyone's gazes turned to the core.

"That ore's thick. Rocket, we're gonna need to use the Big Laser" (Y/N) told Rocket.

Rocket just nodded as answer and began to flicked few switches.

While he was flicking, all the small lasers that were on the side, moved through grooves to combine into one huge laser in the center of the ship and turned it into the MEGA LASER. The scene made (Y/N) smiled widely.

"We must hurry. It will not take Ego long to find us" Mantis panicked.

"Keep it still!" Rocket yelled to others.

The Quills steadies the craft as best as they could beside the Self Chamber. But it's an unwieldy beast, built for power, not precision.

Rocket then powers up the mega - laser and hold tight to the shuddering controls as it drills, burning and created a hole into the protective sheathed. It easily melted the core.

The core was slowly melted a hole. According to their plan, they wanted to plan a bomb into Ego's core to kill him from existence.

"We drill into the center, we kill him" Peter told the group.

(Y/N) hold tight to the steering wheel. Yondu noticed the blinking light on then communication speaker. He then tapped a button.

"What is it, Kraglin?" Yondu asked through the speaker.

Kraglin was hesitated to tell the captain of his.

"Umm, remember that Ayesha  chick?" Kraglin asked Yondu through the speaker.

"Yea, why?" Yondu asked back.

Yondu then notices out the window where Ayesha 's squadron is swooping out of the cracks in the ceiling and began to trapped them.

"Aw, hell" Yondu muttered.

Peter pulled away from the envoys. Same as (Y/N) after.

Ayesha's squads began to blasts the drill ship, making it stumbled to the side. The lasers began to lose its powers as the ship turned into sideways.

Everyone's feet began go left the ground, making them sfumbled bacm nonstop as the blasts continued.

Drax, Mantis and Gamora went tumbling from the hole in the side. Nebula and Baby Groot grabbed onto the floor.

As Gamora, Drax and Mantis fell from such high height, they soon landed perfectly on their feet.

Gamora then looked up and saw the laser drill curled behind Self Chamber as it tried to avoid the envoy 's blasters.

While in the ship

"Why aren't you firing the lasers?!" Peter yelled to Rocket.

"They blew out the generator! I think I packed a small detonator" Rocket told, pushing some buttons to activate it back.

"A detonator is worthless without explosives!" Nebula and (Y/N) said in unison.

They looked at each other as (Y/N) smiled widely.

"Jinx!!" (Y/N) cheered.

"Not now (Y/N)!" Peter scolded  (Y/N).

She then frowned.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"We got these!" She heard Rocket yelled.

Rocket then showed Nebula the anulax batteries that he stole. (Y/N( immediately knew the plan of Rocket's, making her smile omce again.

Peter and his dear sister soon left the control to Yondu and went downstairs beside Rocket. (Y/N) began to messed with the wiring on the bomb.

"Is it strong enough to kill Ego?" Peter asked as (Y/N) fastened her pace.

"If it is, it will cause a chain reaction throughout his entire nervous system" Rocket explained.

"Meaning what?" Peter asked.

"The entire planet will explode. We'll have to get out of here fast. I rigged a timer" (Y/N) explained as she finished wiring the bomb.

She handed the bomb to Rocket who put the bomb into his satchel. Baby Groot joined on Rocket's shoulder.

The three then wore Rocket's aero-rigs on them.

"Go!" Peter yelled.

They soon got out the ship and flew to the core, avoiding the gunfire of Ayesha 's squads. They tried to get to the core without being shot down.

Meanwhile Mantis, Drax and Gamora still stood on the ground.

"He's coming" Mantis said, freaked out.

The ground began to shake slow to violently. Mantis, Drax and Gamora began to stumbled all around the ground.

"Didn't you say you could make him sleep?" Drax asked Mantis.

Mantis looked at Drax in fear as Ego began to show his forms.

"When he wants! He's too powerful! I can't! " Mantis loses her hope.

"You don't have to believe in yourself because I believe in you" Drax said, such an inspiration to Mantis.

Mantis then furrowed her eyebrows and get to the ground. She out her hand into a crack that has a glowing blue.

Her antennas glowed soon after. Ego was screaming angrily at the action of hers, making Mantis more afraid.

"SLEEP!!!" Mantis shouted.

Right after Mantis shouted those words, the ground stopped shaking and calmed down as Ego's forms vanished into a brown wall. Mantis felt herself weaken every second.

Mantis tried her best to out Ego into slumber, not wanting to take her hand of the cracks.

"I never thought she'd be able to do it. With a skinny and weak as she appears to be" Drax confessed to Gamora.

Gamora looked at Drax and gave him a 'you joking right? ' face. Drax futrowed his eyebrows and looked back at the struggling Mantis.

Mantis 's arm began to trembling at how weak she tried to hold him.

"I don't know how long I can hold him!" Mantis shouted as her eyes began to teared up.

"You need to, girl. If you don't keep Ego at bay, we all die" Gamora encouraged Mantis.

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