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Dear Diary,
So you know how I said I was over that Brett guy, yeeeaaah turns out I'm not. He's really changed, he smiles at me now and he's gotten hotter. Could I be emotionally attached to a douchebag?? Yes, yes I could be. You must be assuming that I have a very low self esteem and to be honest, I'm not blaming you. It's summer and we swim at our school almost everyday, meaning that I'm constantly seeing him shirtless. That really doesn't help me get over him like AT ALL. So some new bitch named Catherine slid into his DMs and they're quote unquote "vibing". Bitch, back the fuck up. That's my boyfriend-that-doesn't-know-he's-my-boyfriend that you're talking to.

Catherine is pretty and all that but her her B.O is a capital DISGUSTING. I bet you thought about that video where the mom yells that. No, but seriously her body odor is horrific. I hurl everytime I'm near her and it's not just because of he B.O, it's just her personality. I'm probably DEFINITELY sounding like a total raging bitch right now, but trust I'm no hater. I'm all about female empowerment and standing up for our fellow #sisters, but if you're a bitch, you're just a bitch. Plain and simple. Period.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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