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"Let's go in here." Roc said as he went into Spencers. Out of all the stores he would pick the one with sex toys in the back... But I'm not complaining, they have some nice things.

I walked in and started looking around, India grabbed my shoulder, I turned to face her.

"Wanna take a picture with me?" She asked as she pulled out her phone.

"No." I said as I turned back around.

"Ray!" She exclaimed. "Please! For me?!" She begged. I sighed deep and long.


"Wow, didn't expect that." She said as she flipped her camera.

I looked into the screen and Stuck my tongue out to the side, she crinkled her forehead, and her top lip was up and to the right. It looked good. We both laughed playfully.

"Instagram." She said with a laugh. I smiled. Maybe India isn't so bad. She seems calm and collected now, before all she wanted to do was kiss, she always wanted me to hold her, she was clingy..

"There we go. We'll have to take more, okay? To remember our time hanging out again." She said with a smile, showing her bright white teeth.

"I'm down. Just let me look at it before you post it." I joked.

"If it's ratchet, it's not Insta material." I said like a girl. She laughed playfully hitting me on my arm.

"Alright. I'mma go find the others." She said. I smiled and she walked away. I glanced over and seen Princeton at the register. I walked over to him, curious of what he was getting.

"You not getting anything?" He questioned me.

"Oh. I really haven't been looking" I stated. He sighed.

"Thinking about Y/n?" He asked as he handed the guy his money.

"Uh, no, I was taking pictures with India." I stated.

"Oh. That's a surprise. I thought you didn't like India?" He asked as he took the bag filled with his things.

"It's not that I don't like her. I just, don't care to much for her." I admitted with a shrug. He made his lips into a line and nodded his head.

"Have you talked to Y/n?" He asked.


"We should face time her tonight, all of us, so we can all check up on her."

"I don't kn-"

"We'll give you your alone time with her, don't worry!" He interrupted with a laugh.

"I guess that'd be alright." I gave in. I laughed at how he knew I would want to talk to her alone. I smiled just thinking of Y/n. God, how I missed her.


We were walking out of the mall, India had left a while ago, we took loads of pictures.  We were headed back to the bus to start off again.

We got on the bus, and Roc turned on the t.v.

"A shooting happened in (your home town) and a young girl, age (your age) was shot and killed at the scene. We have a slight clue of who she may be, but we're not possitively sure, so we are not to give any information out." The woman reporter said. All eyes darted towards me. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.

"Here is the girls picture." She said. A picture of a total stranger popped up. "If you know of anything, please contact this number"

She started saying the  number, but I blanked out in relief. I was so happy to not see Y/n's picture on that screen.

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