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In the middle of a frantic battle
to get through the hallway,
a battle to get into my classroom,
a battle to squeeze through the doorway...

His smile.

As I tried slithering between him
and that small space in the doorway.

We locked eyes.
He was smiling.
At me.

Not because of me.
But at me.

And it's probably the most sincere smile I've seen from him.

Assholes can be sincere?

I don't know how red I was.
But you know what?
It didn't matter.

Because for once I was happy it was a B day.
I sat beside a girl who doesn't know me enough
To recognize anything was off.

And even if she did,
She wouldn't know why
Or who.

I couldn't sit down and start hyperventilating.
I wanted to,
But I didn't.
And that's good.

Because now I have this image
of his sincere smile
all to myself.

Small Problems With Big Emphasis on the Small (poems)Where stories live. Discover now