Memories (4x01)

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"So where's Percy?" Dean asked. It seemed like a good ice breaker after asking who pulled him out of Hell. He watched his younger brother look down.

Dean felt like he had run into a wall. Something happened to his youngest brother, and he wasn't there.

"Bobby?" Dean asked. The older man shook his head. "No." Dean looked back at Sam. "You- No, he can't be-he's not dead."

"He followed you and Sam when you went after Lilith," Bobby says for Sam. Dean felt all of his strength fade, and he had to sit on Sam's creaky motel bed.

"Dean-I-" Sam began.

"How'd it happen?" Dean asks quietly.

"Lilith raised her hand, blinding me. By the time my vision returned, she had smoked out and Percy was gone," Sam said quietly.

"But there was nobody," Dean blurted. Bobby gave him a sharp glare.

"He's dead," Sam said. Dean closed his eyes and looked up. He vaguely heard Sam tell Bobby that he was going after some vampires before the door slammed shut.


"Dean!" eight-year-old Percy Winchester called, right before he flicked water right into his eldest brother's face.

Dean sat on the edge of the pool, dangling his feet into the cold pool. It was summertime, and he wasn't checking out the ladies in bikinis like he normally would. Instead, he was thinking about the last phone call he made to Sam. His brother who had left for college. This pool trip was for Percy. It was bad enough he needed to remind himself of that.

"You're gonna get it, squirt," Dean threatened, sliding into the pool. Percy giggled, the attempted to run away. He was fast, but the hunter was faster.

Percy Winchester was adopted, but that didn't bother Dean. He loved his youngest brother. They had rescued him as a child from the arms of his dead mother, and Sam had refused to drop the babe off at an orphanage. Dean was hesitant at first, but eventually, both he and their father had come around. Percy was, well, he was Percy.

Dean grabbed his brother and hoisted him right out of the water. Smirking, he tickled his brother.

"Deeean!" Percy squealed. "Stop! Stop it!" Dean continued for another minute before putting his brother back on the pool floor. Percy dove underwater. Dean blinked, and Percy vanished. 

Dean allowed himself to panic a bit. He didn't remember ever doing a case at a neighborhood pool, but anything was possible. Before he started to call Percy's name, Dean glanced around, only to find Percy comforting a crying toddler. Dean smiled at his brother. It seemed like helping people was a family trait.

Percy eventually made his way back over to Dean.

"Who's that?" Dean asked.

"That's Will. He needed help with his mommy, so I called Apollo," Percy said calmly. Dean didn't show his panic, for he knew Apollo was the name of some god. Probably pagan.

"Squirt, who's Apollo?" Dean asked cautiously.

"His daddy. Where is my daddy?" Percy asks, frowning. Dean wants to stare into Percy's sea-green eyes and tell him that John Winchester, or even the kid's real father, was going to come home today and raise him like a normal kid. Like Sam wanted. But he couldn't.

"I don't know, squirt. Wanna go get ice cream?"


He was going to make sure Percy stayed safe. He was going to make sure he protected his brothers no matter what.

Look how that turned out.

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