Waking up next to you [Tsubasa x Fem! Reader]

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Warning: Lemon, 2nd Person P.O.V

It was late at night in a party that your father has arranged. You see, your father isn't just a commoner, he is a manager of various school idols who have potential to make it up to the big screen. Mostly he manage winners of the current Love Live! Project.

You are his only daughter, his princess, his heiress on the company. You have met your father's clients, young teen idols same as your age. Unfortunately, your father does not want you to become one like them, he once said that being an idol has a phase and it wasn't a stable job compared to manager itself. At the end the manager is always at the winning end, they gain money, fame and popularity without worrying of aging.

Well compared to the clients that he handles, he does not forbid you to date anyone you like. Your are free to go to parties, enjoy your life as a teen and socialize to many friends as you like as long as you follow his foot steps to become his heir. That rule makes you uneasy though, why? Because you only set your eyes only on one person and that person is Tsubasa Kira.

Yes, the leader of well known idol group A-rise. They are your clients, which forbids them to date anyone according to the business rule but she is the only person you set your eyes on. Your friends try to match you with various guys and girls but nothing seems right, you were never interested to them. Maybe you just wanted to play on the danger side, you just want to feel the forbidden love that most cheesy films say most of the time.

You were sitting on a dark velvet sofa, savouring slowly the sweet taste of champaign in your mouth. You're already at the age of consent so your parents does not mind you drinking alcoholic beverages. Enjoying the sound booming at the halls, the party is grand, of course your father arranged it as his 10th anniversary of the company.

All of his clients are invited from all across japan, well of course his top clients will be fashionably late which is the group A-rise. They were recruited last month and they became the new spotlight of attention in the company.

You are becoming tipsy due to the amount of alcohol you had consumed, your friends snicker and exchanged gossips until they suddenly fell quiet, they're attention was been dragged by someone else on the dance floor. Your friends start to whisper about things with regards of that person as you focused closely to their discussion, your name was being mentioned as well.

"Y/n, Y/n...."

"....what?" Your voice is berely audible due to the noise around the place.

"Haven't you noticed that your crush Ms. Forehead Mcgee is trying to catch your attention at the dance floor? Oh wait! Look she's walking towards us"
Your friend Majin giggles as she noticed your faint blush sprinkled on your face. You tried to unnoticed the brunette with emerald green eyes as she finds her way to pass on the crowd gathered around her.

You found your champaign more interesting rather than the events happening around you until you felt someone sat beside you. You know it is her, the girl that you like and you know your friends are the one who let her join to your small group.

A few minutes later the brunettes friends also joins the table, making it a huge gathering.

"I'm glad you can actually join us" Majin beamed. Waving her hand to get the attention of the waitress near by and ordering another plate of finger foods and drinks. The brunette is about to say a word but her her taller friend interrupts.

"Thank you for inviting us. Unfortunately we can't spend the whole night, we're still preparing for the next Love Live" The stoic woman said dully. Your friends didn't take what she said seriously and giggles as if she was trying to flirt, you can't blame them though, all of you are half drunk before these idols came to join you.

Emerald eyes (Love Live Fanfic) (Tsubasa x Fem! Reader)(ONE-SHOTS!)Where stories live. Discover now