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"Xavier get your fucking ass up!"
Xavier startled a little bit but quickly feel asleep
"Xavier I said wake up!"
Xavier again didn't say anything just moved a bit and mumbled something but his dad heard him say it
"Who the hell does he love and hasn't told me!"
As Xavier dad had enough he quickly got his gun and shot the vase next to his bed
"What the fuck is wrong with my son I swear to god if there was a war he would have still slept! I didn't want to this!" As he said that he quickly ran near his sons bed and jumped on him!"
"Son I know I ain't no girl!"
Xavier quickly stood up and pushed his dad away and looked around and saw the near his bed was s broken vase
"What the fuck happened here dad..?"
"Who do you love...?"
As his dad said that it quickly hit him 'it was a dream a good one tho and hopefully it comes true one day' Xavier couldn't help but think
"Hurry up and get ready we have to go!"
>>An a hour later coz I am lazy>>

"James hey!"
"Hey Xavier!"
As they quickly did a bro hug
"Hey where's xandra..?"
"She's at the bar"
"Well I am gonna go to her!"
As Xavier went near the bar he couldn't help but be mad and quickly stormed up there and punched the guy in the face!



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