"I was thinking.." you say continuing your sentence.

He still feels as if he is relaxed.
He hasn't seemed to tense up like he would if he wasn't telling you something.
You've noticed all kinds of different things he does like that, over the course of time you've known him.
He knows several different kinds of things about you too..
He honestly is the only one who really knows anything about you.
No one else really bothers.
Maybe cause your stuck inside his room.
Maybe cause your 'human'..
Maybe cause your gonna die.
Doesn't really matter anyhow..

"What about?" He asks.

Still calm..that's good.
You like it when he isn't hiding things.

"I wanna run away with you." You state.

You've been thinking about it for awhile.
Of how it might be fun to escape the underground with sans.
Or at the very least run away with him to somewhere new.
Somewhere no one can find.
Have him leave everything too, so then he can just spend time with you.
He can always just return once you die anyhow.
You just don't want to be alone, when you finally die..

"Away?" He asks.

He is still relaxed.
A part of you thought he'd be against it.
Maybe it's just that twinge of self doubt talking.
Or maybe he's still relaxed because he's just humoring you.
You have to explain away to him anyhow.
How your going to do that, is beyond you at the moment.
But you'll have to try none the less.

"Away..Like away away.." You say.

He doesn't seem unhappy about it, but he isn't exactly enthusiastic either.
Maybe because your explanation was so vague..
Maybe if you just..
just maybe it'll work..

"Nothin' feels better than this.." you whisper.

You move your hand to his chest.
That definitely catches his attention.

"We don't gotta hide.." you coo.

He cuts you off.

"Is that what you'd like?" He asks.

Of course it is.
You nod, he smirks.

"Well, I'll admit..Nothin' feels better than this." he says.

He escapes your grasp, to take his coat off and wrap it around you.
It's fluffy and soft, and it's your f*cking home now.

"Mmk..lets go away then" he says.

Well that was unexpected..
Never the less, you both leave together.
Teleportation style.
And wind up in a golden hallway..

"Where are we?" You ask.

He shushes you.
He feels tense, somethings wrong.

"Just cover your eyes and follow my lead for a bit mmk." He says.

You cover your eyes, but while holding tightly onto sans.
You feel your feet leave the ground.
And together you move left, right, left, right, back, And side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.

It almost feels as if the both of you are dodging projectiles more so than dancing.

left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.

You uncover your eyes.
You see spear shaped projectiles sticking out of the wall.

Guess that's exactly what we are doing..

You decide to cover your eyes again since sans seems to got it covered.
Back to left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.

After awhile you get rather bored of the ever continuous pattern of left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
But you let it continue a bit longer.
Just a bit longer of the practically never ending, ever so continuous pattern of left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.
left, right, left, right, back, and side to side.

Ok that's enough.

You let go of sans, and fall to the floor smiling.
You feel a pain shoot through your back.
You look down to see a growing crimson stain in your shirt, with the front of a spear jutting out of it.
Another shot of pain, another spear.
Another and another and another and another and another and another and another but they are shooting through you slower.
You look up to see sans on his knees, pitch black sockets, and tears in his eyes.

But why tho..why are you crying silly?

You were going to die anyways, no big deal.
You try to speak but can't seem to voice any words.
Sorry sans.

The spears stop.
Sans crawls over to you, picks you up bridal style, carries you to a wall, and sets you against it, as seemingly gentle as possible.
As if you are a fragile piece of glass that he doesn't want to break.
But your already broken.

He sticks something in your mouth.
You don't know what it is though..
You seem to kinda absorb it somehow..
You find the voice to speak, barely a whisper, but sound.

"Sans..." You start to say.

You have his full attention.
He must have heard you.
You reach towards his face, cupping his cheek in your hand.
Guess you gotta make this ok somehow..

"Love to see you shine in the night, like the diamond you are." You say.

More tears roll down his face.
Dang it sans, he's making this harder for you.
It's better this way you know..

"I could save you, If I could just heal your wounds with words of love." He says.

Does that mean he loves you?
Haha, Your loved..that's nice.
At least your not alone.
That's all you wanted anyways.

"Your here, that's all I need to know." You say.

That doesn't seem to fix anything.
This will probably f*ck him up a lot.
Way to go, good job (sarcasm).
This is never going to be ok.
But you have to try to make it seem so.

"I'm good on this side it's alright just hold me in the dark, and let it be." You say.

You begin to fade into a now familiar state of being and not being.
But..you still hear his voice, you feel his touch.

"Why leave, why now?" He asks.

You don't know.
It's just time, you don't know why.
But now he too, fades away.
He's gone, leaving you to ponder over the words he has left you with.
Asking why, to a question without answers.

☞⚐☼ ☠⚐🕈

Insomniac (insomniac reader x all the sanses in existence)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz