chapter fifteen: unexpected surprises

Start from the beginning

"Are you enjoying yourself, Cameron?" She asks me, quietly as the boys cheered on.

"Without question," I say with a beam, savouring the last moments I had with Laia on me. I may have had a semi during that time.

When she was done, she moved onto Nate. Isaac was the first to get a dance when we had got here, as he is the groom to be. We spent about another hour at this club before heading out for a midnight snack, that is, before Sam got a disturbing call.

He was pacing around, at the end of the road we were currently on. He finally sat down on the pavement and he looked like he may have been crying, that's when he had my full attention and I approached him.

"Sam..." I started.

He sniffed. He was still on the phone, he dismissed me and answered the person on the other line.

"So.. s- when..." he couldn't speak. He was shaking and sobbing. I looked to the boys who were still down the other side, not paying much attention to what was going on. They didn't know Sam was currently in distress, they were busy talking to each other and whatnot. I waved Isaac over.

He let out a shaky breath and passed me the phone.

The caller ID was Lindy.

"Linds?" I asked.

She sniffles on the other side. "Oh, hey,"

"What's going on? Are you crying? What's up with Sam? I'm getting a bit concerned," I asked too many questions at once.

"It's Anna..."

"Is she okay?"

"I'm currently i-in an ambulance with her."

"Fuck. What happened?" I put the phone on loud speaker and quickly explained to Isaac. He went back over to the boys to inform them, where he comprehended quickly. Everyone was now in concern.

"We don't know... I think someone may have drugged her drink? I don't know. She felt a bit off this night, but after the club she just passed out.

"What did she have to drink?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Does that matter?"

"Sorry, um, i-"

"Cameron, I'm scared. She looks so ill." I took the phone off of speaker and took a few steps from Sam. He was distraught and sat with his head in his hands.

"She is going to be okay. She's strong,"

"You can't say things you can't promise," she cried.

I sighed. "Are you at the hospital?"

"Yeah. Madison went ahead with her. I'm outside."

"We're coming. Stay where you are, okay?"

She sniffed and continued crying on the other side. "Can you give the phone b-back to Sam?"

"Yes. I'll see you soon."

She mumbled an mhm and I gave the phone back to Sam. He could barely speak but it seemed Lindy was keeping him as calm as possible, though she barely was herself, because he let out a few chuckles and smiles. Isaac sent the rest of the boys back to the resort, and he ordered an Uber to the hospital. Him, Sam and Nate accompanied me on the way to the hospital and the first thing I did once getting out of the car, was hugging Lindy. Her hair was in a messy bun and she looked cold - so I did the gentlemanly thing and gave her my jacket. To my surprise, she hugged back tightly and thanked me.

I could feel Nate peering into my soul so as soon as it was around her shoulders, I scurried off to catch up with Isaac and Sam. Nate stayed outside with her, probably now complaining about my gesture.

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