how can i decide whats right

153 14 6

I ran my caloused fingers over the smooth edges of the newly released cds. I spent a lot of my spare time just gazing over the records of alternative artist and chatting to the stores workers.

"here yet again luke?" I glanced up to see one of the store's employies Alex chuckling at me as she sorted through a large stack of newly delivered records. A wide grin made it's way onto my face "of course Alex, you know me" for a while Alex and I used to communicate through glares everytime i would enter the store but we later became close friends after realising that we both listened to the same bands and had quite a lot in common.

"look what came in today, i saved a copy just for you." I let out a gasp as Alex waved paramore's brand new self titled album in front of my face. "oh my god no way, holy shit Alex this literally came out yesterday!"

she flipped her light brown hair over her shoulder, rolling her hazel coloured eyes at me."well duh, it's not like you haven't been talking about it nonstop for the past 3 fucking months"

"shut up Alex"

"you love me though, so no"

i let out an overly dramatic sigh and grinned at her "true true. I better get going now though. Don't wanna make it the second time i miss the train this week" I told her practically shoving the album into her chest.

"woah calm down tiger it's not going to disappear anytime soon"

:; (yeah these r time skips okay cool)
I'd been sitting on the uncomfortable train seats for about a good 15 minutes before i felt as if someone's eyes were on me.

I glanced upwards and noticed a curly haired cutie quickly dart his eyes away from mine, a peach pink blush coating his cheeks.

He wore an oversized maroon sweater and sported a pair of vintage glasses which quite frankly made him look even more attractive if that was even possible.

I made my way over to him and hesitantly sat down in the conveniently spare seat next to him. "I'm Luke" "Ashton" He gave me a soft smile causing his dimples to slightly show.

He pointed to the plastic bag I held onto tightly "So Luke, you like paramore?"

my mouth twisted into a wide grin "you bet I do"
oh my god im so sorry this is very short and very bad but yeah I wanted to write something and It's like 1am & I haven't gone over this yet so I apologise for grammatical errors n stuff.
But yeah I think this story is set in early 2013 because that's when the self titles album came out.

I'll include songs I listen to while writing this on the side!!:)

decode\\lashtonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें