Chapter 35- Seperated

Start from the beginning

I only shrugged and sat on a single sofa. I looked around and saw their bags ready to go. And so we are but, it's getting late. It's too dangerous outside right now.

I hope she knows that.

"OK everyone." Sky said while coming down, "Grab your things. Time to leave." She said. "But Sky, its going to be dark anytime." Twilight remind. "Yes I know. But we have no time to spent another night in this place." Sky said which we all have no choice but to follow her.

We all put our bags in the back and went inside the car. Sky started the engine and drove us away from the house. We went quite after that.

"There are foods at the back of Rainbow's sit and mine. In case if any of you feel hungry." Sky said. "Oohh! Toss me one!" Pinkie shout from the back. I shook my head and shut my eyes for the remaining time. I'm tired. I want to go back to our original days.

Geez. I had enough about this.

As I close my eyes. All i last saw was the dark Road. Pinkie's eating. Other's chatting. Before I completely went to sleep.

"How can you do this to me?"

"Please stop I don't want anymore!"

"I will take my revenge!"

"Oh long time no see!"

"Haha! Have enough already?!"

"I don't care for you!"

"I had enough!"

"Rainbow. Rainbow! Rainbow Dash!" I heard someone shout. "Stop!" I suddenly shout. "H-hey are you OK?" Sky ask me. I look around and saw we are in a dark place... Like in the forest?

"S-sky?" I called, "W-what happen? Why are we here? W-where are t-the others?" I ask. "We all got separated." She answer. "W-what? What happen? W-why are we in the f-forest?" I ask.

"Look. Dash, calm down. They are not far from us. But I don't know exactly where they are. We've been under this tree for two hours. Hiding. And you know I don't want to be here." She explain. "Wait. Hiding? From who? W-what time is it?" I ask again.

"It's already 11:30 at the night as you see. We're hiding. Hiding from Clarity." She said. "W-what?!" I shout but she quickly covered my mouth. "Shhh. Shh! Sush! Be quite! She's not far from us." She said and I went quite.

We both flinched when we heard a stick broke like someone stepped on it. Sky covered my mouth and sign me to be quite. We saw a foot stopped in front of us. Sky peeked a little to see who it was but failed.

Why does this happen to us?

"Where are you?" Sky quickly moved back when she heard Clarity's voice. "You guys wanna play hide and seek?" She asked while she walks slowly. We remain quite for ten minutes.

"I think the cose is clear." Sky whisper and was about to go out but I held her shoulder. "Don't." I said. She smiled before removing my hand, "It's OK dash." She assured but I didn't want to let go so I held her tight. "No. Don't go." I said. She only smiled, "This is for your own good. Take care of yourself and the others." She said and pulled us out. "S-sky..." I mumble.

"I found you!" I suddenly let go of Sky's hand when Clarity suddenly jumped on top of her. "Sky!" I shout. I walked closer to her and tried to help her but she pushed me away. "No! D-don't help m-me! Just g-go! Run! Run and f-find the o-others!" She said while fighting with Clarity. "Your getting tired!" Clarity said with a wife wide smile.

She really had gone crazy!

"Just go!" Sky shout. I took a step back while watching Sky fought Clarity. She's getting weaker. "Rainbow! RUN!" Sky shout but I didn't listen. Clarity smiled more and tried to Bury the knife on Sky. I didn't know what to do, all I knew I run to them and kicked Clarity.

"Rainbow!" Sky shout. "You bitch!" I turn around and saw Clarity running up to me. I blocked myself knowing Clarity can still hurt me. "No!" Sky shout. I saw how she pushed Clarity.

Both of them fell from the ground, Sky on top and trying to turn the knife to Clarity. But she failed. "Ah!" Sky shout when the knife stabbed her. "Sky!"

"R-rainbow... R-run." She whisper. I felt tears fell from my eyes seeing my sister dying in the same place she was dying before. "It's your turn!" Clarity crazily said. "Rainbow!" I was shock when Sky stood up and blocked Clarity from stabbing me. She turn to me and smiled, "Please... Run." Sky whisper before falling from the ground.

I felt my world stop, I didn't hear anything. Nor even know what's happening. As I watched my sister bleed once again in the forest.

I'll help you...


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A/N: For more updates on this story. Kindly follow me! I'll see ya next update!

PS: I'm still on Hiatus since I'm still busy. But I will manage to update, often though. See ya!

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