Chapter 2

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Hello again. This is the first opening to D. Gray man. I love it sooooo much!!!! (~˘˘)~ The opening has nothing to do with the story line but I just loved it so much that it is there. Deal with it.

(Actual story)

I did not have any money or food but I had courage and was determined to check those things off of my mental list. The door creaked as I took my first step outside....

There was not a single cloud in the sky as I stepped out of the house. I followed down the road and found myself in a small but busy town. Since I did not have any money I could only stare at the merchandize in the windows. At about noon I finally took notice in all the women staring and whispering about me.

Suddenly a Chinese girl with long black pigtails attacked me. She didn't really attack me but jumped on top of me. She was mooshing my cheeks together and had her long legs wrapped around my torso. My cheeks reddened as as they slowly grew tighter.

" Where have you been Allen???!?!?!! I have been looking ALL over for you!!!!"she practically yelled in my ear.

"Well... Uh... I... I... was... around." I replied weakly.

"Gosh I thought you had forgotten about the party tonight!!!!"

" The party?"

" Uuhh? Yeah. The party? The one I sent you the letter about?"

Well now I know that this is probably that Lenalee who sent me the letter.

"Oooohh right, that party." I said in a small voice.

" Come on. Lets go!!"

" Uuuuhh, go where?"

"Out to eat silly. There is this really great resturant..."

My mind began to soften as she spoke on (and she had finally released me from her odd position).

I guess I could trust her.









My love goes out to all of those who comment or like this. I DO NOT OWN D. GRAY MAN OR ANY OF THE CHARACTERS.(Warning there might be up coming yaoi in the next few chapters). ~Miyo-kun

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