chapter 1

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As I got up I saw that it's 1 pm it's been a month since the plane crash I can't help but be sad but I've already cried enough I'm supposed to go over the will with my parents lawyer I've known him since I was a kid even tho still look like one but he's been my parents lawyer for 20 some years and one of the best at that he called yesterday saying that one of my mom's friends is supposed to be there I was ok with it so yeah I was supposed to be there by 4 pm so I needed to get ready I took a shower got my clothes on and but my usual brown jacket on and left my hair a bit messy for the look mom always thought it was nice to have hair you can leave a little messy that's why she would always fluff my hair whenever I saw her I loved it but she was sometimes to rough.

Time skip to the lawyer.

???:ah ryo you made it.

Ryo: yes I have.

???:ok now let's get started are you ready?

Ryo: yes yes I am John.

John: oh I almost forgot your mom's friend is supposed to be here let's wait just a couple of minutes before we start.

Ryo: ok.

Smalll: time skip

As we was waiting for my mom's friend to come we heard a knock.

John:(finally) come-in.

As I looked at the door I saw.

???:ah so sorry I'm late I traffic was terrible so you must be ryo my name is miss Smith I was your mother's friend

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???:ah so sorry I'm late I traffic was terrible so you must be ryo my name is miss Smith I was your mother's friend.

John: ok now that your here we can get started.

Ryo: okay.

Miss Smith: all right then.

John: sigh ( I remember a time where ryo smiled every second but now it's rare I can't blame him tho I bet he blames himself but it's not his fault) ok the owner ship of everything including the Fortune oil rights and the several companies goes to you ryo

Ryo: ok.

John: let's see ah here it is it says here that you miss Smith will help ryo get over his shyness of girls as his mother's last request.

Ryo*anime tears* why Lord why.

Miss Smith: hmm I got just the thing.

John: oh and what would that be?

Miss Smith: you see I work for the interspecies cultural exchange program and we just got permission for them to to be married and as many as they want so he can have a harem.

Ryo: and I don't have a say in this.

John/miss Smith: no no you don't.

Ryo: sigh well if that's all you need me for then I'm off.

John: ok make sure you eat you look thin.

Ryo: Kay.

Miss Smith: I'll see you soon.

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