Chapter Twenty-Five: He Never Showed Up

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                I looked into my closet at the few dresses I had brought with me, wondering which would be best to wear tonight. I was being dragged against my will to go to dinner. Normally, I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to eat out for a change, but the fact that Blake was going to be there was going to kill me.

                We had been avoiding each other since we last talked, which wasn’t very hard considering he spend most of his time in his room strumming on his guitar. Thankfully, it was getting easier. The crying had stopped and I was alright on the outside, though on the inside, I was broken.

I ended up changing into a white dress my mother had packed for me (against my will, as usual) and I put on my flats. I walked into my bathroom and stared at myself in the reflection of the mirror. I wasn’t the same girl I was a week ago. I was no longer innocent Ellie, I was a mess. My whole life was turned upside-down in a few days. Hopefully when I return home tomorrow everything would go back to normal.

I unbraided my hair and wore it loose. I left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen, where I found the family waiting for me. I noticed everyone was there except Blake. I relaxed a bit, secretly hoping he wasn’t going to come.

“Ready to go?” my mother asked, I nodded and she smiled. We all walked out of the house, and into the separate cars, since we all couldn’t fit into one.

“Ellie dear” Mariah said “do you mind waiting for Blake? He just went out to the store. He should be back soon”

I knew this was their plan. They wanted us to drive together so we could make up and everyone would be happy again. I sighed and nodded, which made her smile widen.

“Perfect honey” she said “he should be home in a few minutes. I just don’t want him to drive alone.”

I nodded again and watched as everyone piled into their separate cars. My mother waved at me as they backed out of the driveway and headed down the street. I sighed and walked into the house.  It was the first time I’d been left alone in the house and it felt strange. I walked into the living room and turned on the television to distract myself, though I was nervous for when Blake was coming home. What was I going to say to him? I had been avoiding him since we last talked this morning. What he said to me really hurt. I didn't think I acted as if I was the center of the world. I really tried hard to be a good person, but somehow I never could be. Tears were forming in my eyes as I remembered all those things he said to me. I curled into a ball on the couch and let the tears fall down my face.

I heard the door open slowly and footsteps entering the house. This was the moment I was dreading. I didn't want to see him, or maybe I just didn't want him to see me. Not like this.

“Ellie?” I sighed at my sisters comforting voice. Thank god it wasn’t Blake. She called my name again and I heard her walk into the family room. When she saw me she sighed and sat down next to me, wrapping her arms around me and let me rest my head on her shoulder.

“What hurts the most” I told my sister, trying not to cry “is the fact that we were so close. And I ruined everything.”

“You didn't ruin anything Elle” my sister said in a soft comforting voice. “You didn't do anything wrong. Things like this just happen, Ellie. Its apart of life”

I nodded, knowing my sister was right. We sat there for a few minutes, just thinking, when I finally spoke up again.

“Why are you home?” I asked her.

“I forgot my purse” she said “now come on. Wipe away those tears and let’s go. I’m bringing you to the restaurant. Blake can go on his own.”

I smiled at my sister as a thank you and followed her to the front door. Just as I was putting my shoes on, the door opened again.

I looked up to see him standing there, his blue eyes looking into mine. My heart ached for him, but my mind told me to be sensible.  I walked past him, without making eye contact and into my sister’s car. She sat down in the driver’s seat and looked at me

“You okay?” she asked me. I nodded, though I wasn’t, but I knew I was going to have to.

She drove out of the driveway and down the street towards the restaurant.  I watched as the cottages passed and the road stretched down to the main street. I wished I didn't have to leave this beautiful area, and if we weren’t under the circumstances we were in, I would probably be begging my parents to let me stay for the whole summer.

We got to the restaurant and I sat down beside Diana. Thankfully no one asked any questions. As the night went on, Blake didn't show up. I kept watching the door, waiting for him to walk through the door, and my heart to start throbbing.

We all ate in silence, knowing that Blake wasn’t going to show up. Having dinner with the Thomas’ wasn’t complete without Blake, even if he never wanted to see me again.

I walked with Diana back to her car and sat in the backseat as Max took the passenger seat. We drove home in silence, when I realized everyone was being quiet for my sake.

I walked into the house and into my room, and for the last time I crawled into my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, knowing I wasn’t going to get much sleep tonight.

“Ellie?” I heard a whisper from outside the door. I turned my head to see my sister standing in the doorway. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m sorry for today” she said to me softly, so no one could hear her.

“For?” I questioned

“For him not showing up.” she said to me “and don’t you dare deny it, but you were waiting for him. I could see it in your eyes when he didn't. I think everyone could Elle”

I closed my eyes because I knew she was right. I had been waiting for him to show up all night, though I didn't know what I was going to do when he showed up.

My sister stood up and kissed me on the forehead and slowly walked out of my room. I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. I desperately wanted to walk into Blake's room and curl up next to him, not caring what anyone thought. I wanted him to be mine forever, but I knew in my heart we were long over. And come tomorrow, I would be home and he would be here for another three weeks, then off to university.

The world didn't want us together. And I had to be okay with that.

I'm soo sorry for not posting anything in so long! School is honestly taking up all of my time its terrible!! anyways, if this chapter can get 10 votes by tomorrow, i will post a preview for my new story, which I've been working on for a little while now. so please vote and leave any comments or questions you have for me and i'll be sure to reply!!

hope you enjoyed the chapter!! more to come soon promise!!

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