Caught, trial, tests, attacks

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"Rose!" Mase and Eddie exclaimed in shock.
"Oh, calm your farms!" I laughed as if walking in on your best friend pashing her mentor was perfectly normal. I remained wrapped in my fiancé. "We've got Tatiana's clearance." Their chins were all but on the floor. "Seriously. We do." We couldn't reveal Bubby until after field experience because it just wasn't safe.
"How? Why? When?" And the questions started being fired.
"Hmm. Comrade? Any clue where to start this talk? Or should we just wait until dinner so Christian can hear too?"
"Are you saying Lissa knows?" Eddie asked.
"Yes. She's known for almost three weeks. And everyone- as in the whole school, everyone- will find out at dinner. Mase, Eddie, Dimitri is irreversibly joining the group. And the family. Get used to it, we aren't separating. Ever. Now, Mase, did I not tell you not to meddle in my love and sex life?" I felt Dimitri stifle a chuckle at the reference to our very active sex and love life and all the meddling which had occurred over Christmas.
"You can't be saying? You two've completely defiled this gym and each other? Your mentor holds your innocence?" Mase looked horrified.
"He's not my mentor. He's my other half, my soulmate. And yes, this gym- St Vald's Senior Campus gym- belongs to Rose Hathaway and Dimitri Belikov."
All three males in the room paled. Dimitri paled because of his private nature. Mase and Eddie paled at the thought of all the equipment and every surface in their training location being used to further an illicit romance between their best friend and her mentor slash the so-called antisocial battle god. He was my battle and sex god.

My trial came around a week later and I excelled without harming Bubby.
"Oh my Roza, you are simply amazing." My man beamed once I'd finished and pulled me into a kiss no one should see. "I love you."
"We love you too," I spoke against his lips. He pecked my lips and led me off the field.

Field experience began the following day and I was assigned to Christian and didn't complain because I already knew I had Liss once I was fit for active duty. She needed to be trained up with Eddie for when I was on maternity leave.

Most of my tests were thrown my way day one. Then the waiting game occurred. It went on for four days. Then another bunch of tests were sent my way that first Saturday, a pop quiz occurred on Sunday, and another bunch over the following week.
Never once did I falter or hesitate, never once was I taken down and never once was I less than textbook perfect. Most importantly, never once was Bubby compromised, risked, or close to being lost.
Week three was another waiting game. Week four was light for me, but heavy for the rest of the class.
Week five was another waiting game and week six ended with the Academy being attacked by the real stuff of nightmares.

I defied orders and defended my Moroi, plural. Just like in the tests I never came close to losing my miracle. That doesn't mean I came out untouched or unharmed. I had bite and claw marks, scrapes scratches and cuts. My starting-to-bloat abdomen was mark-less, only my arms, head and chest (front and back) were touched.
"Roza. Really? Are you that addicted to protecting?" I was pulled into a cautious embrace when the 'all clear' had been announced.
"You could put it that way," I sighed.
"Did your abdomen get touched?"
"No. It's safe." Damn codes.
"Luck and skill."
"Mmm. You are skilled, but there must be an element of luck. It's not all your amazing body." I chuckled softly and sighed at that.
"Mmmm. One of your first slip ups."
"Hey! That med clinic visit was your first slip."
"No. The lounge was."
"No. That was mine."
"No. Your first slip was in the gym, the one where you kept me pinned."
"No. That pinning happened after extending your hours, after the lounge."
"What about that first day? The first time you saw me freeze? If I remember rightly you were freaking when I came out."
"Possibly. If we're going right back, Portland, Portland was my first slip. I let myself be seen. You, Rose Hathaway, made me hesitate simply because you exist. It was my first hesitation in my career and you made me do it three times in under two days."
"Hmm. Me in Portland? I thought you were hot. Despite being my opponent I still thought you were hot."
"Guys! Enough with the love-birding!" Emil interrupted us.

Cabin Change-Up (after first meeting Tasha) (A Vampire Academy fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now