"that was too close..."

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tsuyu POV

"i-i-i-m s-so-rry t-tsu!" she chokes forcefully through sobs.

"shhhhhh... you did nothing... what happened?"

she releases herself off of me and runs out. she bolts out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her and leaving me in the bathroom. i stand shocked for a minute but then bolt out looking for her.

i look left, then right and see a tear drop on the floor— a trail of them. i turn left and continue to follow the trail while every "what if" and "but" going through my head.

'what if she hurts herself? she is clumsy'
'but what if she bangs into someone and strays a fight?'
'what if she wants...'

i drop our of my thoughts, 'don't think that. keep running.'

i keep running through the twists and turns of halls that follow the tears. i finally make it to the roof and i see my thought was right.

i barge through the doors and run over to her. she quickly takes off her shoes and jumps. i jump after her and wrap her in my arms and use my tongue to swing to an area i can grab to. i luckily find a place as i swing both of us there, she's crying in my arms.

'that was too close...'

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