Chapter 40-Finally All Together

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A/N: Guys I'm so sorry I wrote the last chapter and forgot to publish it. I've been busy this week with volleyball and I read two really good books. I know I'm a terrible author but I'll try and make it up to you with more of my shitty writing~Jess 😉😍

Clary's P.O.V.

I wake up Sunday morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I don't want to get up because I'm really warm for some reason and really comfortable but the phone won't stop so I turn to answer it and realize why I'm so warm. Jace is sleeping beside me, despite the ringing phone, and he looks so peaceful. I remember all the events of the previous night as I try to get out of the arms he has wrapped around my waist without waking him up including trying to sleep with him and my realization that I'm ready. Unfortunately, I don't succeed in getting untangled without waking him up and I don't make it to my phone either. Jace blinks his eyes at me before taking in his surroundings. He opens his mouth to say something when my phone starts it's incessant ringing again. Jace reaches over and grabs it before handing it to me. I thank him before answering it.

I'm about to say hello when Jonathan cuts me off. "Clary how many girls do you know at Herondale High?"

"Good morning to you too Jonathan and probably not many why."

"Because I met this amazing girl last night and we danced and I didn't think about Izzy once and then she slept with me and I swear it was the best sex of my life Clary."

"Eww, Jonathan ever heard the term TMI?" 

He laughs out his reply, "Actually that an acronym and yes I have heard it, it means too much information."

"Yeah well, you should think about that before telling me about how you had the 'best sex of your life'." Jace raises his eyebrows at that but stays silent.

"Look that doesn't matter what matters is that I need to see her again. She looked kind of familiar but I went to so many of those parties for Izzy..."

"You could have seen her at any of them." I finish for him.

"Exactly and I was hoping you could help me."

"Well I might not know many of the girls here but Jace and Izzy might. What did she look like?"

"Ummm, well I remember thinking she was really beautiful, like prettier than Isabelle and I remember thinking she was out of my league."

"Well, that could be anyone, Jonathan. Tons of people are out of your league." Jace laughs at that one but Jonathan either doesn't hear or doesn't care.

"Ha Ha, you're hilarious. I'm being serious Clary."

"Well, this would be easier if you could remember anything about her. Didn't you see her when you woke up this morning?"

"You would think that but when I woke up she was gone. At least she locked the door before she left so nobody could come in. I didn't even ask her name I think I tried to introduce myself but she didn't seem to care."

"So she left before you could wake up and didn't bother asking your name?" 

Jace gets a kick out of this. "Sounds like it wasn't the best sex of her life," he snorts out. This time Jonathan does hear.

"Is that Jace? Why is Jace in your room when you just woke up?"

"First of all just because you just woke up doesn't mean I did. I've been up for an hour," I lie.

"Really then why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I was in the shower because Jace, Izzy, Malec, Josie, and I are going to get coffee." This isn't completely a lie because we are supposed to meet them for coffee in a couple of hours.

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