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Now, I started this story on Fanfiction. However, it was too hard for me. So I decided to write it here instead.

6-year-old Margie Simmons was playing at the orphanage playground. She was a witch. She had the powers of teleportation, camouflage, and more importantly, she had the power of resurrection. She was happy there, but there was always something bothering her. She just turned up at the orphanage when she was 4 years old, by herself. Being so young, she didn't really understand why she was sent there. Both of her parents had powers. Her mother too had the powers of teleportation. Her father had the gift of resurrection. She lived happily with them, until one night.

While Margie was brushing her teeth, and getting ready to go to bed, a knock came at the door. "Hello," Margie heard her father say. "Can I help you?" "I came for your daughter. She belongs with me," said a voice. It was a scary voice that sent shivers down Margie's spine. Her mother, who had come to check on her, scooped her up in her arms and teleported to her bedroom. Then she wrote a note, packed a bag, hugged her daughter goodbye, and then teleported her to the orphanage.

In the note Margie held,  it said that she was very special and needed protection from her new family, if she was ever adopted. Margie never really wanted to use her powers in public, outside of the orphanage. She wanted to, but it scared her to think what could happen if she was adopted, and sent back because of what her new parents might think of her if she did use them. So, she decided to wait until she found a family that would accept her, and her powers.  The kids of the orphanage and the staff knew about Margie and her powers, and kept it a secret. They knew how sad she was about being sent there without answers.

They often played with Margie; games like tag and hide-and-seek. However, they do it outside when they don't see other people passing by the backyard. Everyone loved her, except for the principal of the orphanage, Mrs. Clarissa Carver. She was jealous of Margie, getting so much attention from every one of the kids, especially her daughter Marissa.

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