Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

She looked just as I remembered. Long brown hair pulled tightly in to a pony tail, smudged mascara and nice jeans and flowing blouse. And those large brown eyes, looking determined. My mother. She was pulling along a large purple suitcase, scanning the crowds. I could feel Peter’s body tense as he saw her. I patted his back. “It’s go time.” Because it was. My mother was tough to handle, that’s why Peter ditched when he could. Right? But now he’s sucked back in to the family whether he liked it or not. And I’m not going down without him, especially not with her and her Kobe Steak imported from Japan.

“Zoey! Honey!” She shrieked when her eyes fell across us. She didn’t even acknowledge Peter and his sweaty self. Her heels clacked loudly as her pace picked up and she rushed at us. I held out my arms and plastered a smile on my face. It was the least I could do, act happy for her arrival. Being rejected only yesterday by the most perfect guy ever doesn’t leave you in a good mood to see the woman that sent you here in the first place. She fell on to me and I was immersed in to the smell of home. The dessert, the cactus and sand, it was like by touching her I could feel the hottest of the sun and taste the sweet ice cold lemonade.  She was laughing crazily as she explained her flight; apparently the guy she sat next to was a total jerk. I only half listened as she rambled, I just nodded and smiled, wishing I could go back to Arizona and forget Big Tree Village all together.


“A pig,” my mother sighed looking over Oinkers for the thousandth time, “is this a joke?” She asked again. I sighed deeply and shook my head. “It’s a pig, Zoey. A pig.” She rubbed her eyes, blinked, and then examined Oinkers once more.

“Yes mother,” I fake smiled, “it’s a pig. And his name is Oinkers.” She forced a laugh and looked over at Peter who shrugged.

“I don’t know about this,” she rolled her eyes, “Oinkers in the house.” She said his name as if it could kill her. “It’s unsanitary.” Typical Julia Hawkins. I shook my head.

“He was living here way before you were, if you don’t like it then sleep outside.” I grumbled picking up Oinkers and heading up to my attic. She gasped as if me back-talking her was something new.

“Zoey,” she laughed, “get back here. We are not done speaking with you. Are we Peter?” She looked at Peter who sighed.

“Julia,” he began shoving his hands in his pockets, “the pig is great. He keeps her occupied and it teaches responsibility. If he never goes out and gets muddy, it’s really pretty sanitary.” I smiled and continued up the crooked stairs. I heard her gasp again.

“Peter!” she shrieked. “I cannot believe you just said that! We are partners in discipline. This is why we are no longer together; you never back me up on anything.” Peter shrugged and she moaned. “Well how about you get started on dinner, I’m going to go finish with Zoey.” She exclaimed starting up the steps. I heard Peter groan. I slammed my door shut and locked it, right on her face. Oinkers oinked, I think he was laughing. “Zoey,” she sighed, “open up honey.” I laughed and pulled out Siri. I had a message from Demona. She was wondering if she could come over at noon. I glanced at the clock. 11:59. I moaned and looked out the window. There she was, walking down the street smoking a cigarette.

The thing about Demona is that she does what she wants, when she wants and she is always right on time. I gasped and texted her back, as quickly as I could. Ignoring the begging of my mother outside my door. There was no way she could meet Demona. If she met her she’d judge her, and probably send me to boarding school for some stupid reason. Maybe because I was “hanging with unpredictable teens” or “participating in various illegal activities with a skank.” I laughed loudly and watched as Demona pulled out her phone. She read it and looked up at me. I widened my eyes and she shrugged. As I watched her reply I could hear my mother picking the lock with a hair clip. 3…2…1…click. Then she was in. She was sweaty and her face was flushed. She put the clip back in her already-messed-up hair and sighed. “Zoey what on earth has gotten in to you?” I sighed deeply, debating whether or not to answer her. Usually when she’s angry she goes on and on, not even giving me time to speak. She stood there; hand on her hip and tapping her foot.

“Uhm,” I said glancing at Siri, “a lot of stress at work. We’re really busy.” I lied, forgetting the fact that I had quit yesterday. She nodded.

“Well that’s no reason to be acting like a spoiled brat.” She ushered at Oinkers. “Now as I was saying about the pig-”

“Oinkers.” I interrupt.

“Yes him, I don’t think he should be allowed inside the house. It’s very gross; we eat here and sleep here. I don’t want some germ carrying animal waltzing around like he owns the place.” She laughed. I nodded; there was no way I was going to listen though. She smiled. “Splendid, now that we’ve taken care of that. Tell me about your friends, and job. Oh! Tell me about the demon.” She laughed and joined me on the pink ruffling bed. Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Demona standing in the doorway. My mother gasped; a full out gasp with her hands rushing to cover her mouth.

“Mom,” I say smiling, “this is my best friend Demona.” I laughed as Demona shoved her pack of cigarettes deeper inside her pocket and stormed over to my mother.

“It’s very nice,” she grabbed my mother’s hand from her mouth and shook it, “to meet you Ms. Hawkins. I’m the demon.” I laughed and Demona backed up, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. My mother gasped again. “Don’t worry, Zoey doesn’t smoke.” She laughed blowing a puff of smoke at my mirror. “She is just a perfect little angel, isn’t she?” She asked Julia.

“Well,” she began her voice wavering. “Zoey has been acting a bit like a brat before you showed up. She drank under-aged too. I’m worried about her.” She looked over at me and sighed.

“Bullshit,” Demona murmured, “this girl is the nicest, coolest, bitch I’ve ever met. There is no way I’m letting you talk shit about her like that. You’re just jealous she is having a fun life, being a teenager. Stop brainwashing her, you know what. I’m getting really pissed right now.” She sighed and took another drag of her cigarette. I looked over at my mother. She was shocked. Demona had just said two words my mother would never allow me to say, ever. I watched her for a few moments and then she spoke.

“Leave, now.” She whispered.

“I’d be happy to, as I said this is pissing me off.” Demona grumbled running her hand through her bright red hair. As she walked out, cigarette and all I couldn’t help but feel frightened. The fun was over, now comes the punishment. And Demona was to blame.

“You are banned from the demon. You can’t see her, talk to her or anything. If you do I will make arrangements for you to come home with me, immediately, and get you a tutor and you will never leave her sight, she will be your home-schooler. Do you understand?” She looked at me, so intense I felt the tension between us. As I weighed my options she stared, her eyes staring at me deep down to my soul. I nodded, slowly. She made a noise and stood up. The bed rattled and she rubbed off her pants. “I’m going to go help your father with dinner; it will be ready by three. Now spend some time in here, thinking about what you’ve done.” She turned around and slammed the door behind her. If this was yesterday I would have cried, but since it’s today I kissed Oinkers, opened the window, climbed down the side of the house and met Demona at the big tree. (She texted me.)

“Your mother,” Demona said offering me a sip of her beer. I shrugged, what do I have to lose? I gulped down a few sips as she smiled at me. “You badass.” She laughed. I nodded and took another swig of it. “As I was saying, your mother is a bitch.” I nodded.

“I’m actually banned from you. If she catches me I’m going back to Arizona to be homeschooled.” I explain leaning on the bark of the tree. She laughed and slapped her knee.

“Damn, that’s some bull.” I nodded and she took the beer from me. “I don’t want you to be drunk.” She smiled.

“I’m not going back there. I’m not.” I say stomping my foot.

“Yeah I know, chill. I set you up on a double date.” She winked.

“Oh no,” my heart fluttered and I pictured Chance, “uh-uh. Did I tell you that I told him I loved him and he rejected my ass?” I said holding my hand out for the beer. Her eyes widened.

“Uhm, NO! You didn’t fucking tell me that! You love him? Girl, I knew it!” She laughed but then stopped abruptly. “Wait, he said he loved the skinny model bitch?” She wondered. I nodded and she slapped the beer in my hand and I drank. “Don’t drink it all, because the guy isn’t Chance. It’s Bryan, and he is hot.”

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