The South Pole

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I clutched my cloak just a bit tighter around me. Zuko was in the middle of the deck practicing his firebending with the soldiers. Uncle sat behind the small table on my right. Playing a game with wooden tiles. It had been three years since Ozai banished Zuko and Iroh and I had exiled ourselves to join him. 

"You should be inside, Tatsu. You are not ready for this cold." Uncle spoke as he noticed my attempts to keep warm with my breath of fire. 

"I will be alright Uncle, besides, it is a new moon. I will need to be out here anyway." I told him looking over to him. 

"Hmm," He rumbled softly. I gave him a small smile. 

"I will be alright Uncle, the worst that could happen is I fall asleep till we leave this cold region. " I told him softly. A yell of exertion brought both of our attention to Zuko.  He finished off the last of the guard. He stormed off to the prowl of the ship. 

"The silent treatment?" He questioned looking to me. 

"Father sent me another one of those stupid summons." I sighed watching him. "Zuko caught me lighting it on fire to send back the ashes so the Messenger Hawk wouldn't have to wait," I answered him.  

"You should listen to your brother, Princes Tatsu. He merely wishes you happiness," Reminding me not to torment him. "Besides, my brother does not take kindly to disobedience."

"My happiness is here at his and your side, Uncle. Wither he likes it or not I will remain here," I told him stubbornly, snorting. A bit of smoke coming from my mouth. He chuckled at my little show of power. 

"A dragon and their horde, always different, but always well guarded." Uncle Iroh smiled at me. I returned the smile softly.  Suddenly a bright light irrupted. I stood up hand straying to the small dragon crown I wore. Hand slipping away as I looked over the aurora. 

"Tutsu!" Zuko cried out looking back to me. 

"Right!" I removed the crown setting it on the table and moved to the middle of the deck before I looked inside. Shifting my inner flame, feeding it more as I shifted to my dragon form. I looked to Zuko once before taking flight. Right into the fridge air. 

Zuko would have me fly high above. Not out of eyesight of the ship of course, overprotective much big brother, but even from above I could see much more of the world from above. Watching the aura I could see where the light touched the earth from the sky, but not where on the earth.

I studied it for a moment before turning back. It was to cold here for me to be up for long. I landed back carefully on the deck.

Waiting for me was an attendant with a fur lined coat.

"Let us go inside, your highness.  You will catch cold" She urdged I nodded my head once before shifting back.

It seemed even colder now. Heat no longer within my clothes and cold against my bare skin. The attendent quickly pit the second cloak around me and ushered me in.

Zuko and Iroh arguing behind me on the deck. When they finished they would come to me.

I came to the bridge. More specifically to the fire pit there. Sitting down, I added some of my power to the flame to make it just a bit stronger.

Zuko and Iroh found me soon after we became warm again.

"Well?" Zuko asked. There was mostly anger in his voice, but I could hear the fear.

"This Aura was different, it did touch the earth. I did not see the source, it was to far off with too many icebergs blocking my line of sight." I answered him. A look of hope came to Zuko's eyes.

"Our journey is finally coming to a close." He muttered softly.

"Zuko, father and Azula, they will not welcome you with love." I told him. He glared at me.

"You don't get it, you always had Dad's love. You and Azula!" Then he stormed away. I sighed lowering my head.

"Three years and still..." I spoke sofly.

"You will get to him one day," Uncle told me encouragingly. Hugging me tightly. "Like that of a Sakura Tree, the late bloomers are always the most beautiful." Uncle spoke in his own way. I cast him a small smile, before a coughing fit ruined it.

"I told you the cold would be to much." He spoke worriedly. He ordered the attendent to get some tea immediately. Jasmine as was my favorite and the best for sickness.

"I had to help Zuko, even if it hurts me to help him return to such a place. It hurts more to deny him." I answered weakly.

"Jee, set sail for the Southern Water tribe. There may be healers there we can speak to." Iroh ordered the Captain.

"Yes sir," his answer barked out before he started the necessary changes.

"Uncle, should we truly go? Our people have brought them great strife." I spoke worriedly.

"Healers are honor bound to help both sides. Weres such as yourself especially. Such things have not changed." He answered me.

"Do not force them, and please keep Zuko in line." I told him softly. He nodded his head.

"Of course, Princess Titsu." He promised. Soon the tea was brought forth. With medicine before i went back to my room.

I felt worse when the door opened. Opening my eyes I saw two water nation females. One quite old and the other close to Zuko's and my age.

"Elder," i groaned softly as I slowly pushed up before falling back abit. "I am sorry I am unable to greet you properly." Bowing my head to her slightly.

"That is quite alright deary." The elder spoke before coming forward. My attendent quickly got them both a chair, before backing off to let them work.

"When did this sickness begin to ail you?" She questioned.

"Shortly after returning from a flight, ma'am." I answered.

"You are a were, I must say, that is a surprise. Keeping the feral in check yes?"

"Yes, I only wish to protect. This war..." i was cut off by a caughing fit. When I could breath again I finished. "Is a toll on us all. Sozin hurt us all with the stunt he pulled starting the war." I groaned.

"My Lady," My attendent spoke scandalized. "Your grandfather-"

"I have no need for your opinion when I have my own. Besides my Grandfather on my mothers side was against the war and tried to stop it before it could start." I growled at her. She shut her mouth as she bowed her head.

I leaned back, my anger satted at her submission. The Elder looked me over carefully.

"You pushed yourself to hard. The thin atmosphere and cold harmed your lungs." She spoke. "Rest and time in warmth will be the best medicine. Your Uncle has the right idea about tea." She told me.

"Thank you Elder, I am truely in your debt." Bowing my head to her again.

"Maybe one day you can show me your Dragon form. I hear dragons are magnificent creatures. I have always wished to see such."

"When I am well I will see what I can do." I promised her. She nodded her head.

"Come Katara, our work her is done."

"Yes Gran Gran." She answered helping the elder with her things. I watched the two. Or rather Katara, she smelled of the sea, but also... there was a faint smell of wind.

How interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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