I'm Leaving New York City.

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I have to leave New York City, I need to get the fuck away from this city.

I just... I just have to run. Get a car, get a rifle, drive upstate and go hunting and everything will be okay. I just need to... I need to FUCKING FUCK.

I'm losing it. I need my Doctor, my old shrink but he moved to California to open a shitty New Age center.

What am I going to do? I killed my new Doctor here, I have no one.

No one.

-Pierce?- Elizabeth, my stupid fucking girlfriend is looking at me like she's seen a ghost or something. -Pierce, darling are you okay?- She places her cold, frigid yet soft french tip manicured hand over mine and I get shivers down my spine the moment the tip of her fingers lay on my skin.

It's like ants crawling over my spine. Thousands of little legs climbing up to my head to make their way inside my brain and chew on my grey matter.

We are seated at  probably the worst table in Carrozas, a latino fusion restaurant that only serves fifty tables a night. Getting reservations here is a pain but after six months of waiting, I finally got in.

And I'm not with the date I wanted to bring. I thought Elizabeth and I would have been over by now but something changed my plans.

Someone changed my plans and just like this disgusting table right on the way to restrooms, the evening sucks.

-Yes, I'm fine... I'm just finding the Bife a little tough.- The meat is actually super tender and cooked to the right point I asked for. Dripping blood. What I find tough is Elizabeth's company.

-Oh, that's a shame because my Ceviche is just divine, you should have ordered from the Peruvian part of the menu... Well, maybe next time!- Elizabeth wobbles her fucking blond head like an empty Barbie doll and I want to put my fork on her emerald eyes and eat them.

They remind me of my mother's eyes, they sicken me. Just as much as Elizabeth bores me. Another reason to need to run away. The bitch won't let me dump her ass.

Lord knows I've tried, Lord knows I know she is sucking Mitchel O'connell's dicks behind my back and she would be so much happier being O'connell and not Sterling.

If only she knew about my mother... The vapid little fuck.

I hate this place, the food and the ambiance are perfect and the aesthetics are on point but I hate what this place means.

I was going to propose here.

Not to fucking Elizabeth of course, but to Daphne.

My high school sweetheart of the sorts and my College girlfriend up to Junior year where she ran away from my room because I tried to put a coat hanger up her cunt.

Did I love her? No, because I'm not capable of feeling that but I felt something with her.

She came back from a three year sabbatical in Europe where she wrote articles for several Indie magazines and she is back in the city and...

And sitting at the best table at Carrozas, having dinner with some boho filthy hippie and he just ordered Sparkling Apple Cider, Daphne's favorite. She despises Champagne.

And from where I'm sitting I can see it coming from the kitchen, a large Tres Leches Cake portion passes next to us with caramelized rose petals as a garnish and a Blue Tiffany Box as a surprise.

I need to get out of here before Daphne sees me. Before the filthy Jewish looking fuck can open that Tiffany box and offer a tiny as hell diamond he probably had to starve to save for.

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