Like the others

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Like the others...

Gabriel Smith

First day, everyone looked stupid. The jocks, the girls, the teachers. Of course, except for the girl with the gay friend. She's not hot, but she's pretty, no one can deny it.

Sports, is the the most important thing in my life. I joined the bunch of stupid looking guys to play basketball. I tried it out and I passed, but they have this stupid question of them. "Do you have a girlfriend?", it was like echoing in my mind. Oh, girlfriend, I never had a girlfriend, I thought. I never lie.

"I don't have any." I answered like a stupid innocent guy.

"Grab some, dude." the leader of the jock smiled, he look stupid, "There's a lot of beautiful girls hanging around the campus."

"I'll check it out," as if I'll really check it out. I only got my eyes laid on that girl, the girl named Micah Williams.

I went out of the gym to look for some miracle. It was the end of classes, I saw her. I saw her with her gay friend. She was pointing at me while talking to her friend, I don't know what they're talking about, 'bout I'm sure that it's all about me. I went near them and have a little chat while staring at her. You know who she is.

"How's your day?" I asked, checking my manner. 

"Great, now that I've found you." said her gay friend. Dan-dan-danielle.

I forced a laugh, a slight gentle laugh. I'm an actor, I know. 

"How 'bout you?" I looked at Micah's eyes.

"It's fine,"she said, she looked kind of sad. She needs to be cheered, but how will I do that? We're not close. 

"What's wrong?"

"Never mind me." she smiled. God, she looks like an angel. Thank you God, for giving me a nice reward despite of my wrongdoings. 

"I have something to tell you." I said, well, maybe I was excited for my plan, but, I can work it out. Make my stupid plan works. "I want to join the basketball team."

"OK. You want me to join the basketball team too?" Danielle asked. He's stupid. No one wants a gay in a basketball team.

"I need a girlfriend." I smiled. 

"So, what do you want to happen?" Micah raised an eyebrow, then she started to smile at me, "You want Danielle to be your girlfriend? Because Danielle wants to."

I forced a gentle laugh but what I really want to do is to burst a big laugh at her. Is she joking? Yeah, perhaps she is because she's smiling. But that's a most stupid idea I've ever heard in my whole life.

"No!" okay, watch your temper Gabriel, "Oh, sorry, I need a girl."

"Oh! You know, there's a lot of blonde girls with high mountains, up and down," she said, "with higher priority with guys, stick up with them, then you're so fine."

"I don't like to." I smile, I just don't like such girls bumping their chest on me, I feel like I'm not a virgin whenever I stick with those because they want to go hyper. You know what I mean. 

"Okay, so what will you do?" she asked.

I whispered it to her so no one can hear it and laugh their ass on me. I don't need to tell you the whole story because you already know the plan and everything, it's not a secret anymore, you're like my mom but better than her or worser than my dad.

That night, I was lying on my bed, still wondering that look upon Micah's face. I think, she don't really like my idea, but I'll have tomorrow for the answer. Next thing I knew, it's morning already.

I hurriedly went to school, kissed mom's cheeks, which felt awkward, then watch for Micah. I saw her by the locker and asked her about it with my shy smile, and she said, okay, then I said, okay. We said okay, it's like I'm in heaven but definitely I can now breath. 

After classes, I told those stupid giants that I already have a girlfriend, and when I told them it's Micah Williams, they  laughed hard as if they're dying. Well, I hope they've died. They're stupid when they laughed at her, they think Micah is a normal girl and there's no something special about her, but I know she's special. I don't think I can be like them because I'm not as stupid as them. I should have kicked their ass off, if only I didn't love basketball.

Hope Micah's relationship with me is real.

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