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Knott's POV

"I don't know where else we can look," I say, standing up. My friends and my nongs look at me. Glancing at N'Wad, I add, "You are right. It is my fault."

"I thought the roof was out of bounds," A nong asks their friend as they walk by us.

"It is," Their friend laughs, "I heard they made that way after some student jumped off the roof."

"Someone jumped off the roof? Here?" The nong gasps. "I never heard that."

"Not here but at another university," The friend replies, "After what happened, all the universities decided to block access to the roofs. Why are you asking anyway?"

"I saw a guy on the roof just now," The nong shrugs, "Maybe they are planning something and setting it up for a party. You know, like the one we had up there.

I take off running, ignoring the shouts of my friends and nongs behind me. It can't just be a coincidence. Nobody has checked the roof because it should be locked. Damn it, Tew! What are you thinking?

"Some student jumped off the roof."

Tew, please tell me you are not doing something stupid. Not when I found out I hadn't. Reaching the stairwell, I start to take the steps two at a time. I can hear people behind me but don't look back. Stopping on a landing, I try to catch my breath as I look up at the floors above me. Why the hell do there have to be some many damn stories to our building? I look down and can see that my friends have followed me. Taking a deep breath, I continue going. There are three more flights to go. Please don't be there, Tew.

When I rush through the open door, my heart stops when I see Tew lose his balance at the edge of the roof.

"Nong!" P'Boon shouts.

"No!" I yell, running towards Tew.

Tew's POV

You know the cliche that at the end, you will have a moment of clarity? When everything you have thrown in the way of your happiness falls away, and you clearly see what your happiness was. This is my moment.

All my interactions with P'Knott play through, and I realize that I have been falling for him since the first time I saw him walk into the meeting hall. The day when he checked my notebook for signatures and didn't punish me. The time he ran me over and dragged me to the infirmary, making my heart beat like crazy. The night I followed the seniors to the infirmary, and he walked me home. The first time Ai'West showed up, and P'Knott declared I was his. My happiness from day one was tied to him. I was such an idiot not to realize it.

Why did I let my past cloud everything? Compared to what I had with Ai'West, it doesn't hold a candle to what I have with P'Knott. Why didn't I grab hold of it when I had the chance? We wasted so much time.

You know your brain is a magical thing. I ache to see P'Knott, and there he is running towards me, screaming my name. My day has been so surreal, and now I am falling, wishing I would have said more and done more.

"You fvcking idiot! Do you want to kill me?" P'Knott shouts in my ear as he yanks me into his arms and holds me tight against his chest, letting me feel his rapidly beating heart. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!! What the hell were you thinking?"

It is like the world stretched out like a rubber band then suddenly snapped back into place. I shove P'Knott away from me and punch him in the chest.

"I'm a fvcking idiot? Me?" I yell, "Then what the hell are you?" I swing again, and he catches my fist easily, pulling me back against his chest.

"I am sorry, Tew," P'Knott says as he smooths my hair, "I'm sorry. So sorry." He pulls back and kisses me stopping my protests. Knott plunges his tongue between my lips, exploring every corner of my mouth. Pulling back the heavy-lidded look he gives me sends shivers through me. No words are said, but the message is there.

#SOTUS Continued: Book One A PremWad TaleWhere stories live. Discover now