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Kenzie sighed as she walked into the flat at the dog. She walked into the kitchen and sighed as she grabbed some foot. She looked as Freddie walked out in a pair of boxers. Kenzie looked to him and smirked as she bite her lip "have you seen Ellie" he asked as Kenzie sighed "she went out with my dad, he's probably treating her on his credit card" kenzie said as Freddie looked to her and smirked "what? Are you jealous" he asked as kenzie looked to him and rolled her eyes "no, I don't need his money. Besides I am not spoilt" she said as Freddie looked to her and smirked "but you are, your mummy's golden girl" He teased as she looked to him and smiled "now now there is no need to be like that just because my mum likes me and Lacey more than Ellie" kenzie said as Freddie looked to her and chuckled

Kenzie looked to her phone and sighed as she saw a text off of Lacey and sighed knowing that she was in the village and wanted to meet. Kenzie looked to Freddie and sighed "I have to go, try and put some clothes on before Alfie comes in as I don't think that he will be happy to see you like that" kenzie said as Freddie looked to her and smirked "you don't seem to complain about it" Freddie said as kenzie looked to him and rolled her eyes at him "I'm a woman aren't I?" She teased as she walked off out of the flat as she met up with Lacey who was with warrens twins. Kenzie was the only one who knew that they really his and siennas twins "you know your risking a lot here Being here" kenzie said as Lacey looked to her and smiled "I know but I needed to see my baby sister" Lacey said as kenzie looked to her and smiled


Kenzie got back to the flat with Lacey as she went to deal with the twins. Kenzie looked as Freddie walked in and over to her "what's up with you face ache?" She asked "Ellie stood me up again" he said as kenzie looked to him and smirked "who would stand put up, if I was her id count myself lucky although I'm a lot better than she is" kenzie said as he looked to her and smirked "oh I know" he said as she looked to him and bite her lip as they held a look as Lacey walked in and frowned "kenz. We have to go" Lacey said as kenzie nodded as she walked off with Lacey


Kenzie got back to the flat and sighed as she saw Freddie "I'm sorry that your stalking me" she teased as he looked to her and smiled "you would love that wouldn't you" Freddie said as he looked to her and placed a hand on her cheek as he meant to lean in and kissed her as the door opened as they pulled away as Marnie walked in and frowned "is everything okay?" Marnie asked "fine, it's all fine" kenzie said as she walked off feeling more confused then ever

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