14 ~ But you're cute

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Dart sat there, stunned for a second before she fully processed what Heechul had said.

A cow? What kind of thing was that to say? Dart had thought they had started to get along, making Heechul like her was difficult. She would have to work harder, but it would definitely help if Heechul put some effort in as well.

As these things were racing through her head, the offended look on Dart's face apparently satisfied Heechul, and he turned back around to talk to D.O. The poor boy next to Heechul had no idea what was going on either.

Xiumin glanced between the two and looked uncomfortable as it was clear there was tension in the air. He still wasn't sure if they were joking or not. Still, Dart continued the earlier conversation and Xiumin didn't bring it up in case it made the show awkward, and the other hosts got involved.

It was known that Heechul could be 'mean', but it was always obvious he was kidding or did it in good nature. Xiumin didn't talk to Heechul much at the company, but this time it didn't seem like a joke. There was some annoyance in his words.

After Heechul's cow comment, Dart didn't struggle to look slightly disinterested or bored. She at best managed a thin smile when something funny happened because she needed to react with something at least. When she was asked a question, she would boost Xiumin up again and made the idol blush which seemed to humour the hosts immensely and made the crew laugh as well.

Finally, the chatting part of the show was over, and they moved onto the more challenging/physical side of the show. Dart continued to get laughs for hyping Xiumin up and eventually the hosts really picked on the boy for going red. She felt terrible, but he waved off her guilty looks with good-natured humour and ruffled her hair which made Dart go red herself.

Soogeun and Sangmin started to joke that Dart was an "advertiser" for the idols and asked their own EXO members if they'd rather have Dart as their partner.

To her surprise, all the members claimed they'd rather have her and Heechul death glared D.O. when he stepped forward too. D.O. laughed and stood back to try and make Heechul smile, he didn't. To the people near Heechul, they knew his annoyance wasn't for the entertainment of the show, it was surrounding him.

The crew cut this short and brought out two, large, spinning wheels. One had the EXO member's face on it, and one had famous songs from the group. Everyone stood around in a semi-circle and listened as the crew explained the rules.

The hosts would spin the member wheel and then turn the dance wheel. Whatever member they got they'd have to replace and whatever song they picked they'd have to dance to. There would be no repeats in songs or members. The original MOAM hosts only had to dance to the chorus and would have some time to learn the movements while they got ready; however, Dart would be dancing to the whole song.

The EXO members all protested when they heard Dart had to dance it all. They thought it was unfair, but Dart waved their worries away and said she would be okay.

One by one, the hosts all spun the wheel and laughed at the results.

Youngcheol replaced Chanyeol in "Electric Kiss."

Soogeun replaced Chen in "Oh La La La."

Kyunghoon replaced Suho in "Tempo."

Heechul replaced Baekhyun in "Monster."

Hodong replaced Sehun in "Love Shot."

Janghoon replaced D.O. in "Call Me Baby."

Sangmin replaced Xiumin in "Growl."

Dart replaced Kai in "The Eve."

When finally Dart's options were left, there were even more protests from the K-pop stars. This time they seemed persistent and actually worried.

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