Forbidden weaknesses and... graffiti?!

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  • Dedicated to Jenna Kast

I slipped into the dark halls and made my way over to the man sitting at the window. His gaze never seemed to wander from the stars that shone in the night sky. He inhaled deeply and turned slowly to look at me. "Get down." he ordered. I didn't blink before obeying. I could feel the accusing stare of the crowd behind me as the hushed voices bounced about the room. My hair covered my emotionless, empty eyes when I knelt before him. He spoke out in gasps. "I don't have much time child." he managed before falling into unconsciousness again. I only nodded, walking past the accusing faces that were scattered everywhere. My, crime? To sense emotion. If i felt even the littlest bit of love, I would be put on the drug of expandoreial. Expandoreial is basically the dulling drug. It dulls your emotion with even the smallest potion. Overdoses can rid you of your soul. It's worse than hades. You have no control of what you feel, in fact, you DON'T feel anything, not even pain. One more crime and I would be soulless.

Do you ever feel like you're being watched? That even if you make the slightest mistake you know it won't be kept a secret? Imagine feeling that every day. Feeling as though you're never safe? The clock glared at me along with the rest of my people. "We're running out of time, Ayisha." my father's raspy voice rang out from the shadows where he lurked. "Yes father" I replied monotonously. He squinted in my direction. "The prophecy must be fulfilled." he hissed. I nodded. "I know." I replied in the same robotic tone. To me, Emotions were a sense of weakness. I kept the same blank expression and stared straight at the wall. My father smirked. He beckoned me over and pulled me to where his lips almost touched my ear. "You will enslave the human race, Ayisha." he whispered before pulling back into the shadows. My eyes were dark and empty as I silently walked out of the room. I walked into the servant elevator and pulled the old rope that only worked for me. Long tugs on the rope and I ended up on the top floor. I strode over to where my bedroom was and ever so slightly, pulled the door open. A loud creak sounded throughout the halls while I stepped inside.

As crazy as it seems, my room described my emotions completely. Everything was black, crimson, or a deep murky blue that seemed to intimidate anyone who dared to sense emotion. I grabbed my spray paint. Trying to remember everything I could from my tutoring in magic and sprayed the name Alexander across the wall. The paint dripped, as though bleeding to death. "Ayisha." I whispered. My eyes flashed a brilliant purple and my whole pupil tuned white as I pressed the palm of my hand on to a glowing patch on the wall. Blood dripped out of my hand as my eyes flashed purple and white. My mind clouded over and my thoughts began to blur. I could feel my body stretching and bending into something completely different. Closing my eyes, I let the sharp pain in my body subside before looking into the mirror. My newly tanned skin seemed to glow while my bright grey eyes stayed empty and emotionless. The overwhelming sense of emotion swept through me as my soul was placed back into my true body. The drug was wearing off, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I, Was, Weak.

When I awoke, I felt little tingles all over my body. I knew the drug was almost completely gone so I quickly jumped up and sprinted to the bathroom. I practically yanked the medicine cabinet's door off as I searched the cupboard. My breathing hitched and I fell to the floor gasping for breath. My head pounded like I had a hangover. Wait, that was a bad comparison since I have never had one. The point is, it HURT! My back started itching like crazy and my legs felt like they were being pushed into my body. OW! I thought as my arms started shrinking. What the heck! Was my first thought as I looked at myself in the mirror. My usually tall and skeletal frame was now short and more curvy. I was filled out in all the right places and my eyes were a cheerful baby blue. My hair that was once dark, intimidating, straight black was a curly, innocent dirty blonde. There were ringlets framing my soft, delicate looking face. I was wearing a light pink cotton dress and my nails were manicured. they even had french tips and everything! "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" asked a gruff voice. I whipped around to face a man in about his fifties. He was balding and had a large beer gut. His eyes widened as he took in my features, but then a blank mask went over his face. He grasped my arm firmly and dragged me through the house. I was thrown to the floor. A pain in my chest made me groan slightly. "Joshua, who is the girl?" a raspy voice hissed. So the man's name was Joshua, Eh? I tried to look up, but my face was pushed back into the ground. "I don't know, but i know she feels." he replied. "Of course I can feel! I can also smell, by the way, when did you last vacuum in here?! Seriously, this place needs a good clean!" I exclaimed. The room fell silent. I gulped. That obviously was not the best thing to say. Oopsie!

I swore under my breath as I hopelessly continued to try and get out of the forest. 'What!?' you may ask. Well, after I used that amazing comeback, they threw me into a car and dumped me into the middle of nowhere! I could visibly see my breath and it put me in a foul mood. Cold+Ayisha=big no-no. It started getting dark and I began to worry when I finally stumbled upon a clearing. Might I remind you was wearing the same thing as earlier, a cotton dress. That's it. (Besides underwear, but if you thought I wasn't wearing any, you have a very dirty mind!) My body was numb and I saw my skin start to turn a sickly blue. I lay down on the snowy ground and a thought popped into my mind all of a sudden. I am going to die.I smiled softly before drifting into the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2010 ⏰

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