2-. Who is he?

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In the chapter 1...


I also got out and sitted in a bench in the park.

I suddenly notice something is getting closer...
It qas that fox... He sitted in the same bench next to me.

-Hey... Just got here?-


-Hehehe... Well... Thats good. I think you will be really good here you know... Isnt this park beautiful?-

-Yes... I-It is...-

-hehe bro... Why so nervous? Im talking to you because I saw you there in the caffe.- He looks at me. -Why did you look at me like that? x3-

-Well... I saw you and i just... Uhhmmm...- -I like you... You are beautiful...- -You... Just. You know, you looked good there behind that window...-

-Oh! Me? Hahah... You really think im pretty?-

-Well... Y-Yes... Actually yes...- I blush a bit.

-Awww... Thanks bro... You are also handsome you know?-

I blushed even more and looked the ground.

-Hey... Relax. You wanna have a walk with me and i show you the place? We can while speak and get to know eachother.-

-Yes! I would love that!-

-Haha! Wow, I see-

He takes my hand to help me get up and with all the cold, i can notice the warm of his soft paws.

-So... How old are you?-

-Im 20. I got them recently, and my name is Zack by the way sorry x3.-

-Oh! Nice name! My name is Kev and im 17 years old...-

Once he showed me the place we were talking a bit of ourselves and then he said:

-Hey... Wanna visit my home?-

-You live alone also?-

-Well... Yeah. Both of my parents died. Although im 17 im here because i escaped from the people who wanted to "have care of me"-

-Oh... Im sorry...-

-Nah, its ok. I already got over it you know...-

We went into his house. And, not gonna lie. It was huge. For only 1 person its really big.

-Omg... Qhere did you got the money for this?- I said looking all the furniture and doors and walls.

-Well... My father had a big place where they make cars and trucks... So i hederated his money and i was promised to get his place when i get over 18...-

-Wow... Thats good i suppose.-

-Yeah... The only thing is that im quite alone. Not so much people i like here.- He says as he sits on his sofa.

-c'mon, sit if you want to!- Says as he gives palms next to him on the sofa.

I sitted and he got a bit closer and looked at my eyes. I blush and get nervous.

-W-What are you doing?-

-Im... Jusy looking your beautiful eyes, I say... Green eyes...- He says nervous and looks down blushed.

-Oh... Yours are also good!-

-Thanks man...-


-Oh shit! Im really sorry i have to go... Can i have your number please?-

-Oh, of course...- I type my number to him.

-Thanks Zack, have a good afternoon!-



I went out and went to home.

-Wait... Afternoon?!! Now?! Wow! Tine goes fast with him. x3-

I got into home and Josh is already there. He aproaches me and smiles.

-Hey Zack! How was your day!-

-Good! I met a guy down there and looks actually nice so we will meet another day hehe...-

-Another guy? Was he handsome?-

-What? Well, yes he was and a bit hot i have to admit but i dont know why you ask-

-Nah, things i have... Dont worry Zack...- His smile dissappears and looks quite sad and angry.

-Oh... Well...- I put a confused face and get something for dinner. Then went to my bed and sleep.-


Well, for now its the 2 chapter... Lets see what happens next...

Make it happen. {[A furry gay couple story]}Where stories live. Discover now