Raising Danny part 1

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Baby Danny: "Hmm! Ah!" *Giggles and look at Clockwork*

Clockwork: "Hi, my little Time Keeper." *Smiles at Danny* "Happy birthday, my little Time Keeper." *Kisses Danny's forehead*

Shadow: "!!!" *Look at Maddie the cat and petting her*

Maddie the cat: "Meow." *Purring around and meowing at Shadow*

Sidney Poindexter: "Aww! He is so cute! Look at him!!" *Eyes sparkles*

Fright Knight: "Yes he is and he will be a good kind-heart kid." *Look at Danny and chuckles* "My little Ghost Prince." *Smiles and remove his hamlet to reveal his handsome face with a scar on him*

Desiree: "Well someone finally show his face now and always hide a handsome face~." *Look at Fright Knight, holding Danny in her arms and smiles* "Maybe someday I will teach you how to control your powers my little Ghost Genie." *Lift Danny in the air*

Baby Danny: "Eek!" *Giggles and laughing then sneezed and turn into ghost* "Ah!" *Clapping his hands*

Princess Dorathea: "Bless you little one." *Smiles and giggles*

Vlad: "I'm going to adopt him and your name is Daniel 'Danny' Masters. Do you like that little Badger?" *Smiles*

Baby Danny: "Ah!" *Giggles and laughing*

Skulker: "I think that is a 'yes' from him." *Chuckles at Danny*

Baby Danny: "Mmm..." *Rubbing his eyes and yawning then started to be fussy*

Wall: "Shh, shh, shh." *Holding Danny in her arms and calming him down* "Someone is very sleepy now." *Smiles and walking to Danny's bedroom* "Sleep little one." *Mother sweet tone and put Danny in his crib*

Baby Danny: "Zzz... Zzz..." *Sleeping and hugging his teddy bear close to him*

Wall: "Good night Danny." *Put the blanket over him and kiss his little head* "You will become a nice and sweet little boy." *Leave and close the door quietly*

Skulker: ("I'm so not ready to be a father... Yet.") *Bit nervous to be a father* ("Is the baby going to be a girl or a boy or two girls or two boys or one boy and one girl? What if the baby not going to like me?!") *Over thinking things too much and look at Ember's stomach*

Ember: "Skulker..." *Held Skulker's hand and smiles at him* "Calm down and you will be a good father ok?" *Chuckles*

At the night time...

Baby Danny: "Zzz... Zzz..." *Still sleeping in his crib but start to cries* "Mmm... Mmmm... Waaah! Waaah! Waah! Waaah!" *Cries very loudly and need a diaper change*

Wall: "Hmm?" *Wake up and went to Danny's bedroom then pick him up and smiles* "Shh, shh, shh. It's ok little one, I am here and Auntie will be there for you." *Put Danny down and change his old diaper to the new diaper* "There you go Danny sweetie." *Lift him up in the air*

Baby Danny: "Ah!" *Giggles and laughing then look at Wall*

Wall: "You are very happy little one, are you?" *Chuckles and kiss Danny cheek*

Johnny 13 and Shadow: "Zzz... Zzz..." *Still sleeping and a heavy sleeper*

Kitty: "Huh?" *Look at them and went back to sleep*

Maddie the cat: "Purr~." *Sleeping on Vortex's clothes and purring in her sleep*

Vortex and Noctune: "Zzz... Zzz..." *Sleeping and under the covers*

Walker: "Ugh... Wall hon?" *Wake up and look at Wall* "Honey, what's wrong?" *Saw Danny in her arms*

Wall: "Oh nothing much also Danny needed a diaper changed that all, Walker dear." *Get in bed and put him in the middle* "He is a sweet little innocent boy." *Smiles and fell asleep*

Walker: "Ok then." *Chuckles* "Yes he is, Wall bun." *Close his eyes and fell into a deep sleep*

Baby Danny: "Zzz... Zzz..." *Sleeping and holding on Wall's and Walker's fingers*

Skulker and Ember: "Zzz... Zzz..." *Sleeping but woke up cause the baby is kicking inside of her stomach* ("Well, this is going to be a long night for sure.") *Try to go back to sleep but they can't*

The next morning...

Baby Danny: "Mmm..." *Wake up and look at Shadow* "Ah!" *Reaching out to him*

Shadow: "?" *See the baby is awake* "..." *Purring* "!!" *Pick up Danny and smiles at him*

Kitty: "Someone is up and happy today and you are so cute Danny." *Smiles and kisses him on the cheek*

Baby Danny: "Kit-tee!" *Trying to say her name* "Kit-tee! Kit-tee! Kit-tee!" *Keep trying and smiles*

Kitty: "Oh. My. God!" *Shocked* "You are trying to say my name?!" *Smiles* "EVERYONE COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!" *Cover Danny's ears*

Baby Danny: "Hm?" *Confuse why Kitty is cover his ears*

Vlad and the others ghosts: "Huh?!" *Ran* "What happened?!" *Look at Kitty, Danny and Shadow*

Kitty: "Danny said his first words! He was trying to say my name." *Smiles and look at him* "Danny say 'papa' to Vlad." *Chuckles*

Baby Danny: "Papa! Papa! Papa!" *Giggles and smiling*

Vlad: "Aww~! You are my son now and everybody is your families now." *Held Danny close to him and kisses his head*

Baby Danny: "Papa!" *Giggles and look at Vlad*

Ember and Skulker: "Say Auntie Ember and Uncly Skulker." *Giggles and smiles*

Baby Danny: "Aun-tee Embrr. Uncly Skulky!" *Clapping his hands*

Ember: "Skulky?" *Giggles* "I guess I will call you that for now Skulker~." *Look at him*

Skulker: "Don't. You. Dare. Ember." *Look at her*

Ember: "Oh, I would dare~." *Wink at Skulker*

After Danny trying to say everyone name and he is about to learn how to walks very soon.

Baby Danny: "Papa?" *Crawling and looking for Vlad* "Hmm?" *Crawls passed Johnny*

Johnny 13: "Huh?" *Saw Danny and chuckles* "Hey there little guy, who are you looking for?" *Pick Danny up*

Baby Danny: "Papa." *Look at Johnny*

Johnny 13: ("Oh my god, he is so too cute right now!") *Smiles and trying not to faints again* "Ok ok let's go find Vlad, right little man?" *Held Danny close to him and walking*

Baby Danny: "Ya!" *Smiles and giggles then look at something*

Vlad: ("As an CEO, a adopt father to Danny and as a half ghost as well, it's is hard at the same times.") *Working hard on the papers works, saw Johnny 13 and Danny* "Yes Johnny?"

Johnny 13: "Danny was looking for you and he want you Vlad." *Chuckles and give Danny an opening bag animals cookies*

Baby Danny: "Papa!" *Happy to see Vlad*

Vlad: "Yes Danny?" *Held Danny in his arms*

Baby Danny: "Papa eat!" *Give Vlad an animals cookie*

Vlad: "Aw, you feeding your Papa? Thank you Danny." *Eating the animals cookie and smiles*

Baby Danny: "Papa eat!" *Giggles and laughs*

To be continue...

Danny Phantom Au Daniel "Danny" MastersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin