Start from the beginning

"Your friend is about to get sold" I smirked and her face dropped. "But why, don't take her far away from me" tears were already in her eyes.

"Don't worry,  she will remain in this building".

Amira's POV

I stared at him in disbelief. "But you just said she will be sold" . I  sniffed. "Yes I did and I said she will remain here" he was about to leave when I stopped him. "Wait" he turned and looked at me.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" He glared at me and I regretted my question. "Sorry, is just that I have not seen you with any woman since we got here" he stared at me.

"And what her you?" I felt all blood rushed to my cheeks. "No as in like a.. Your girlfriend" I shuttered.

"That is because I have none, or do you want to be one" An evil smirk was playing on his lips and my cheeks became more redder.  "I better get going" I took my first step and I felt him held my arm and yanked me back. I landed on his chest and he encircle his arm around my waist. "Haram, please let me go" I said trying to free myself. He placed his warm finger on my lips. "What are you doing to me Stella, you are tempting me gattinohe looked into my eyes and I also gaze at him. "You are making things hard for me" he said.

"What did I do" I manage to say. "You are doing me" I quickly pushed him when he was lost in my eyes and I ran upstairs to my room. I closed the door behind me and I was trying to control my breath. I could still feel his warmness closed to me. "Ya Allah forgive me" I kept on saying this to myself. I check the time and it was already seven in the evening. I rushed to the washroom and performed whudu. I grabbed Abbedah's Abaya and wrapped my veil and performed my prayer.

Aaryan's POV

I didn't knew what came over me but I had to do it if not I will loose myself. Her innocence alone makes me crazy. I really don't know what is coming over me. Anytime I see her I feel weak. I really hate this feeling, I hate it. I ran my hand in my hair and groaned.

The way she was afraid when I had her in my hands and my dreams this days is about her, anytime I am falling she will run to me in all white and pull me back. This is always what happens in my dream.

I left the sitting room and went to the hall which the auctioning will take place. Everything was set and businessmen and other mafia's were arriving. We are not only selling human tonight we are also auctioning houses and other valuables. "Sandro" I looked back and I came in contact with Martin. He is a businessman  in his late sixties. "Mr Martin is nice seeing you" I extended my hand but he hugged me. He is my role model in the businesses world he owns an oil enterprise. "Alessandro" he patted my back. I smiled at him and he left.

Amira's POV

  I left my room and went to the next door which was his office. I piped in and no one was there. His laptop was opened and I rushed inside.

I sat on his expensive leather chair and on his laptop. "Now look for the code" I started  looking for is files. As soon as I saw code. I opened it and different code was displayed. I grabbed a sheet of paper and started writing the important one.

Aaryan's POV

I searched for my mobile but I could not find it. I went back to main building. I took the elevator to the second floor. I came out seeing my office door opened. I looked inside only to meet Amira with my laptop. I entered the room without making any noises.

She never noticed anyone entered. She grabbed a piece of paper and started writing. She finished writing and off the laptop.  She looked up and froze on the chair. "I...I...I" she shuttered.

"Impressive and fast" I said sitting on a couch. "Care to tell me what you are doing in my office"   she started playing with the end of her veil. She stood up and I walked close to her. I grabbed the piece of paper in her hand. I looked at it and my lips curved into a smile.

I called the head of security and asked him to change all the codes. "I will teach you a lesson today" I said in a low dangerous voice.

"What will you do huh? Is it not more than to tie me and beat me. Why don't you have  some humility for humanity. Have a heart and stop being heartless" she said back to me in a not so low or loud voice.

She scoffed and left from there. She is so fearless and innocent but me I am a murderer and a total opposite of her.


Amira's POV

I sat down in my room resuming from the shock of him catching me. I was really afraid but I have to show him I careless.

I could not attend the auction event but I kept on praying for Abeedah.

I taught I could escape but it was a no way. I closed my eyes and his face flash in front of me. "Aaryan"
I said and open my eyes only to meet him standing in my front with his hand in his pocket. "You should come to the hall" I looked at him.

"Noise" was my short reply. "I don't trust you alone". I stared at him and stood up to follow him.

We opened the door of the entrance and he stopped looking at someone.

I think Aaryan wont be able to  handle is emotions. Who is this unexpected visitor. Why was Aaryan shock to see the person.

Track of the day: Drove all night by Celine Dion.

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FEARLESS MAIFIA'S TOMBOY'S LOVE. (Mafia Romance)Where stories live. Discover now