21. Ronnie's Secret

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"VERONICA?!", Tae yelled back. It was just like the scene from the end of Grease.

Then they ran towards each other and did a weirdly cool handshake.

Zane and Kenzie smirked at each other. He went over to Kenzie's side of the booth and gestured Tae and Ronnie to join them.

"I've actually come along with a couple of friends", He pointed towards a huge group at the other end of the room.

"Join us Tae", said Ronnie and he just followed her like a little puppy.

Zane and Kenzie giggled.

"What?", asked Ronnie.

"Nothing sis", said Kenzie, "So, how do you two know each other?"

"We are in school together".

"Yup, it's so shocking that we've met up in Singapore!", chimed in Tae. "Let's take a selfie."

Tae and Ronnie were in their own world, taking selfies and using different filters. Kenzie kept getting notifications on her Instagram from Ronnie's account.


"Yes Zane"

He put his had over her shoulder and pulled her closer.

"I don't want this moment to ever end."

"Me neither"

"Just at that moment Zane's phone buzzed"

"Everything is back on track, I need to go."

"Oh, ok". Kenzie tried to sound happy but Zane saw through it.

"I don't want to go", he bent down and kissed her cheek. He then moved on to her lips and kissed her softly.

"Zane, you need to go". Said Kenzie and tried to push him out the booth.

"Noo", whined Zane and continued kissing her.

"Baby, your phone is buzzing"

"ok, ok, I'm going"

"I'll get back to the stands with Ronnie once she is done with her shake.

Zane was almost out the booth when he sat back down. He put his arm around Kenzie and kissed her again.

"Kenzie tell me where you're staying."

"I'm at the Cherry Blossom. Are you going to come over?!"

"I will, tomorrow evening."

"I'm leaving tomorrow evening."

"What?! No! I just got you!" Zane bear-hugged Kenzie. She hugged him back just as desparately.

"I'll come over tonight, I'll take you on a night tour of the city"

"babe, you'll be tired"

"I don't care, I'm not going to waste any second without you.

With that, he kissed her intensely, and walked away unwillingly to carry on the show.

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