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Kate's PoV

Everything is darkness. I can't see. I cant breath. It's darkness is suffocating me.

My head is banging inside, making me dizzy. My heart is torn-no-shattered to pisces. Even my dad has been on my enemy's side.

Sighing heavily, I slid my back on the dark rough wall I recently leaned on.

i wonder what Caitlyn is doing. Is she listening? or Has she turned her back against me as well?

"NO STUPID!" She yelled making me flinch abruptly.

"I know, I just wanna see how'd you react"

I can hear her stubborn huff making me smile.

"Its been a awhile huh. Where've you been?" I asked aloud. I dont care, I'm alone anyways.

"nah, I just arrived travelling from the planet Mars. Hey I met your sister there. She sent her regards by the way"

"Ha ha ha very funny. Dont be stupid! I dont have a sister!" I yelled

"yes you do! My other side told me so"

I scoffed in disbelief. This wolf is unbelievable


But before I could even respond to my stupid excuse of a bitch little wolf, the door flung open making me stand up from where I was sitting

"Kate, there's no time. Let's go now!"

"But Christian! how about dad?! He's under the dark spell of stupidness from that bastard"

Without unswering me, he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him outside.

"your dad is with us. He knew that this guy Samuel is not your mate. " he said while running.

I almost slipped when we ran along the wet hallway. Stupid me and my clumsiness.

I can see that thereare no guards anywhere. As if answering my unspoken question, he already beated me to it.

"the guards are doing the rounds. And even though they saw us running, they wont stop us because they are with us." I can feel him smiling as he said these words.

I smiled to myself too. My pack.

We reached into the front gate of the castle when we stopped.

"Why did we stop?" I asked my chest rising up and down because of exhaust. Hey werewolves get tired too.

He let out a huge puff of breath which reminds me about the weather.Its still storming, but I hope we can still manage the cold temperature.

"I cant go any longer. I have to stay here with your dad as soon as Samuel finds out that you've escaped..that we let you escape"

"no! you have to come with me! He is a terrible monster! I have killed him once and now he lived again! what type of a monster is that? Please come with me!" as I said this, a loud howl erupted from inside the palace.

Shit! That must be Samuel!

Christian's face gone from worried turned into alert.

"I've got to go..take care of yourself. As soon as everything is done,on the third day from now,, I want to meet you at the old bridge where we first met.Wait there,,but if the sun has set and I'm still not around with your dad and the rest, dont wait anymore.Do you understand?" he asked holding my face with both of his hands.

Reluctantly, I nodded as tears started to pour out of my eyes.

"take care okay?"then he started to walk away, but then he stopped.

"remember that I love you. and I always will. Remember that" then he's out of my sight.


I should be out of this place already. I should be away from that bastard already. But no. I have been so stubborn my whole life,,this momemts makes no difference at all.

The sound of wind whistling outside made the hair of my skin stand up. I used my hightened sense of smell to find them.

I know that this is a horribly stupid unplanned mission. But theres no way that I'll just wait at that old bridge not knowing whether my family is still alive or not.

I have reached the second floor of the castle but there's still no trace of them. I wonder where they are.

Walking past by a lot of different doors, a particular one made me stop dead in my tracks as memories flooded like a tsunami inside my mind.

"mom! dont close the door! I dont want any monsters come inside my chamber"'s"

"princess, there's no monsters here. You know that you mommy and daddy are here to protect you"

"then sleep with me instead" I whined like a little puppy

My mom and dad just laughed at my little protest of them closing the door.

"fine" said my dad

"we'll sleep with sleep now and we're just right here beside you" my mom said before I started to close my eyes

my hands rested on the doorknob. I want to enter. So I did,,not knowing what will I encounter inside.

My Mate Is A Werewolf Hunter (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now