"Please my love!" Esme cried.

"No Esmerelda! Rafael is right, this has gone too far. We didn't raise that boy to be a pervert! He put a camera in their shower, he was drawing her naked.... enough is enough! I am going to look for our son, and when I find him, I will personally escort him to a prison cell and leave him there!" He looked at Emiliano and Antonio, they nodded their heads and walked out with him, leaving me with a crying Esme and a very pissed off Gabriella. Sobbing, Esme hugged me tightly.

"I am so sorry Isa! Can you please forgive me?" She begged.

"Forgive you? Esme you did nothing wrong. Leo put himself in the situation. You warned him and he didn't listen. Bow he will pay the price for his actions. I just hope for your sake Ric gets to him before Rafael does. If Rafael gets to him, there wont be anything left of him to even bury." I said rubbing her back as she sobbed on my shoulder.

"No, I need you to forgive me. In this family, our children are a reflection of us. When they disrespect or do something wrong, that is an insult to us as parents. I raised him better than this. I don't know what's wrong with him to make him do this but I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Isa." She asked again.

"Of course Esme. I forgive you. Even though you did nothing wrong in my eyes. This was all on Leo." I hugged her tightly as she cried even more.

- Rafael's POV -

My hands are shaking. I need to rip something apart. I want to feel warm blood on my face and see bits of flesh and bone decorate the ground at my feet. The Shiv has finally broken free, and when he comes out to play... he doesn't leave until his blood lust is satisfied.

I don't have any of my blades on me, but that's fine. I would rather use my hands right now anyway. I want to hear bones break when I hit someone and feel their flesh between my fingers as I rip it from their corpses. Knowing my hands would be making these sounds made my skin tingle. That feeling is back again. That power coarsing through my veins. That invincible feeling.

I hear yelling and screaming coming from an alley way as I roamed the streets, looking for Leo. Turning the corner into the alley, I see five guys trying to rape a woman. Now this will be fun.

"I suggest you leave her alone if you want to keep breathing." I said calmly. I knew they were going to talk back and refuse
..... I wanted them to.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it if I don't asshole?" One of the guys asked. I smiled. They looked mortified as they took a step back, which certainly meant I looked bat shit insane smiling at them. Fear. My second drug of choice. That 'all hope is lost' feeling that radiates off my victims, gives me a high. One I love to ride to the very end. I'm gonna enjoy this ride. I walk over to the lady and help her off the ground.

"Leave." I said and without hesitation she ran until she was no longer in sight. I turn to face the five guys who looked as though they were about to shit themselves. "So you like to force yourself onto women?" I cracked my knuckles and neck, while slowly stretching out my muscles. "Let's see how you do with someone who will fight back... pussies." The bravest one of the group stepped forward and swung at me. I let his fist connect to my jaw. Why? Its fuels me. I slowly turn back around and spit blood at his feet. "My turn."

I grab him by the shirt and headbutt him hard, feeling his nose break. I hit hit him over and over until his face was no longer the same one I saw a second ago. I thought of his head as a lump of clay and molded it to my liking. One of his buddies grabs my arm mid swing and hit me in the ribs. I winced slightly and growled as I lifted his body and threw him against one of the brick walls surrounding us. With a wimper he fell to the ground unconscious. I walk over to him and stomp his face into the pavement. Two down, three to go. Another came at me, I dodged his swing and hooked my arm around his neck. I squeezed so hard I thought I could feel his throat collapsing against my arm. I snap his neck with one twist and let him fall to the ground while staring at the two left standing. One of them pulls out a decent size knife.

"I see you brought a toy to play with. You like knives?" I grinned. "I like knives too." He charged at me, wildly swinging in different directions. He's sloppy, no coordination, no tactical thinking. I grabbed grabbed his wrist and bent it, taking the knife from him and cutting his throat. Watching the blood pour out like a leak in an above ground pool. He panicked, grabbing at his throat to make the bleeding stop. He fell to the ground, gurgling and choking, drowning in his blood. Within seconds he was gone. I turned to the last man standing. I know for sure I look insane now. Smiling at him while his friend's blood drips down my face and stains my knuckles.

"Please! Please don't kill me!" He cried.

"Begging won't help. Your words are falling on deaf ears my friend." I guess he found his last bit of courage as he lunged at me. I let him get a few hits on me, at least make him feel like he's doing a good job. Having had enough, I kicked him hard in the face. Blood spewed from his mouth onto the wall and the ground. He turned back to me and backed himself into the wall. I got face to face with him, twirling the knife in my fingers. My hands aching to feel the steel slice into his flesh. "I want you to scream."

Before he could react, I slashed his chest wide open. He screamed so loud I thought my ear drums would burst. He fell to the ground and I began hacking away at him. I lost myself. Picturing Leo beneath me as I slice at this guys chest. When I was done and finally out of breath, I got up and turned to see my father, uncles and my brothers staring at me with wide eyes and jaws dropped. I looked down to admire my work. His rib cage was fully exposed. Ragged ribbons of flesh peeled back and hanging against his sides. I hovered my foot above his rib cage and stomped down hard. Again and again until I hear a crack and it finally broke under my foot. I reached inside his chest and grabbed his heart, cutting the ligaments attached to it. Holding his cold heart in my hands, blood dripping off my fingertips, I walked over to Ricardo and gently place it at his feet. He didn't say anything, which was good for him because I was definitely not in control of myself right now. I stood up and looked him in the eyes.

"If I ever see your son again, the next heart I lay at your feet will be his." Without another word I turned and disappeared into the alley.

- Isadora's POV -

It's been hours. I can't believe this is happening. I paced back and forth nervously in the hall by the front door. Where is he? What is he doing? Is he hurt? Did he hurt someone else? My mind was going to dark places and only making me panic more. Finally the front door opens and Emiliano, Tony, Ric and the boys come walking in, but no Rafael. They look shaken up and almost pale with horror.

"Did you find him!? Where is he!? Is he okay!?" None of them answered. They just stared at me. Javier finalky walked up to me and hugged me. I felt his breath hitch as he tried not to cry.

"He's um..... not himself right now Isa." He said pulling away and wiping tears off his face. Then it hit me... oh no....

"Shiv?" I asked. He nodded.

"I've never seen him like this before. I... I'm at a loss for words." Emiliano said. Gabriella grabbed his face.

"What happened Emiliano!? You tell me right now!" She screamed, lightly shaking him.

"He brutally murdered five people right in front of us. He didn't know we were there until he was done. Gabriella, that was not our son. He was someone else entirely. He ripped a guys heart out and placed it at Ricardo's feet, telling the next one would be Leo's." Gabriella burst into tears and buried her face into Emiliano's chest. Before ai had time to process what he said, the door flew open, hitting the wall hard, making everyone jump. Rafael walked into the house covered in blood and little chunks of what I could only assume was flesh. He scanned the room and his eyes fell on me. He definitely was not himself. He didn't say a word. He walked past everyone and went upstairs. We all let out a deep breath when we heard the bedroom door slam shut.

Rafael my love...... what have you done?

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