Chapter 8: Debriefing

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•Your P.O.V.

"No!" Mitch and I both yelled as we were stabbing the dead bastard. "Step away!" The forces were trying really hard to calm us down. "Get the fuck off me!" Mitch lost it. "It's over! They are dead!" They were convincing us that our game is over. And it was. We lost, even though they were dead.

*Few hours later*

"You wanted to kill them all and then go on killing

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"You wanted to kill them all and then go on killing. Seems little extreme, don't you think?" A CIA Deputy director in charge of Counterterrorism, Irene Kennedy, asked us. We had been underwent thirty days of debriefing in the CIA safe house. "No, I don't think that's extreme at all. People like them deserve to die in the worst ways you can imagine." Mitch said, annoyed from the hundredth interrogation.

Then she transferred her look to me.

"I agree. What the two of us were about to do can't compare to what they did. I really hope they are having a nice trip to hell." I was giving it to her straight.

"What to you both remember about your parents' death?" She continued with the new question we hadn't had. "Car crash. I was in Massachusetts, they were in Tunisia on a business trip. I was fourteen. That's it." When Mitch said that, I really thought my ears are fooling with me. I couldn't believe it.

"What?" I turned to face him. My parents were there, too when I was fourteen. And they died there. He looked at me, not knowing what was happening. "Would you look at that." Irene said and continued. "You see, Mitch, Yn and you don't just have the fact that both of your parents died in a car crash as a common thing. It was the same car crash. Your dad caused it. Actually few drinks he had before the crash. So not only did he kill himself and his wife, he killed Yn's parents, too. We have been observing the two of you for quite some time, so I know how to answer some questions even you don't know the answer to."

That left us speechless. I couldn't believe a word she said, but what was I left? Why would she lie? That must be true. I stood up and walked towards the corner of the interrogation room in order to calm myself down.

I was breading uncontrollably, I wanted to punch every inch of the walls. As I calmed down, I sat, again, not being able to look at Mitch.

"Let's talk about after that day on the beach." Irene proceeded with her regular questions. "Jesus Christ, again!? Can you be more creative, please? I'm fucking tired of this!" I couldn't take it anymore, so I had to yell at her. Every single wound that healed, she opened, again.

•Mitch's P.O.V.

My... My dad killed... How hadn't we gone to that topic? How hadn't we seen it, realized it? My dad was responsible for it... How? I just sat there and couldn't hear anyone over the noise of my thoughts.

"Mitch?" Irene called out for me and asked me about the time after the shooting.

"Are you kidding me?" I was enough of her questions. "You gave everything up after that, didn't you? Your grad studies at Brown University..." "I must have lost interest." "In everything?" "No. Not everything." I couldn't care less about her questions. I just wanted to find out how Yn was. She wasn't looking at me, or anyone. I thought she must be mad at me. She has a right to.

She was training with who she thought was a stranger. But I guess we weren't strangers. We have been connected by our parents' accident for our whole lives.

Irene interrupted my thoughts. "I like the new look." She was referring to my beard that was shaved. "Any idea how long have you been here?" I attempted to answer, but Yn did first. "Thirty days." "Enough time for you to figure some things out." "Yeah, yeah. I've figured out a lot of things about myself. It has been a very reflective time. Thank you." Yn was sarcastic. "You wouldn't have made it through the next twenty seconds there alive." "I guess we'll never know, will we?"

"So you thought you were gonna kill Mansur, the leader, and wipe out his whole cell?" "For starters." I said. "Mhm... You had an even bigger agenda, didn't you, Mitch? What did you think, you were gonna jump from cell to cell taking out terrorists? Righting the world's wrongs?" She was getting pissed. "We got to Mansur. It's more than you ever did." And I was right. They did nothing and they were called CIA.

"I'm gonna let you in on something. The both of you. A lot of people here, they don't know what to do with you. Most of them think we should just throw you in supermax. But no, not me. I actually like the two of you. Your agenda. I can help you with it if you throw in with us. We can teach you how to play with the big boys." Was she trying to win Yn and me? Yup, she was.

"Let me just stop you right there. You don't think we considered that eighteen months ago? Joining the CI-" "We made a decision to pursue Mansur on our own because we knew we could get it done." Yn interrupted me to make the best statement ever. She finally looked at me and that's when I knew she didn't hate me.

"Yn, Mitch, you have to understand that I'm the only way." Irene was stubborn. "Why should we trust you?" I asked her. "Because I'm all you got. I believe in the two of you, and I can give you what you want."

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