Chapter 13 - Camouflage

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"Alright. But let us wait from there.", she heard her butler say next to her and finally turned her eyes away from the house. Sebastian pointed to a narrow alley, which was almost opposite the club and ended in a dead end. There were not many people passing by and despite the seclusion, you still had a good overview of the entire street and its buildings. Nodding, Serena agreed and followed Sebastian to the alley. There they leaned with folded arms on the opposite building walls and looked attentively to the "Noblesse".

As they waited, Serena described to her butler what Erchyll looked like, at least as far as she could remember. At least Sebastian should know which person to look for.

There was a little time when some life in the club was slowly coming. At first the employees spun in, but on the outside, there was hardly any change to the club, because neither the curtains were pushed aside, nor was there a bouncer who let the guests in. However, people kept coming to the club, with Serena realizing that this "Noblesse" seemed to be accessible only to men, because yet there was not a single woman among them. But the man Serena and Sebastian were looking for had not been there yet.

Finally, dawn slowly set in, and the street lamps of London began to spread their dimmed light. It was quieter and darker, but Serena was not worried about the dark. If she did not recognize anything, there was still Sebastian, who could see a lot better with his demonic eyes than she did.

But of course the two stand out in spite of their camouflaging at some point. After all, they had been standing in the same spot for hours on the edge of a dark alley, watching the street. Thus, it was not surprising that at some point a police patrol walking up and down the street became aware of them and critically eyed them.

"We are being watched for some time now.", Sebastian said softly and looked over at the police patrol, "Should we leave?". Although Serena wanted to remain unobtrusive and if possible with no one here to make contact, but somehow she could not just go now, just because they were observed by two police officers. Therefore, she shook her head slightly.

"No, we stay.", she answered softly and looked at Sebastian, "If they come to us, we will come up with something.". Then Sebastian nodded in understanding and continued to watch the police patrol. Although he did not look quite convinced of this statement, he remained silent.

While the police looked over to them more often, Serena became increasingly uncomfortable. She literally sensed the questioning and suspicious thoughts of the two men. It could only be a matter of time before they approached them and asked them uncomfortable questions. Serena tried to figure out how to get rid of these policemen, and finally she came up with a solution, but she did not quite know if Sebastian would agree. She did not even know if she was really excited about it, because the very thought of it made her heart beat wildly and irregularly. A little excited, she reminded herself that maybe it did not have to happen, but at that very moment the policemen started to move again and slowly but purposefully they walked towards them.

"They are coming.", Sebastian hissed softly, but did not let the police patrol out of sight. Then Serena swallowed briefly and took a deep breath, because her newly spun plan had to be put into action.

"Kiss me, Sebastian.", she said quietly but firmly to him and she felt herself blushing immediately. She no longer understood herself. Bathing naked or or changing clothes in front of Sebastian did not cause her any problems or inhibitions, but with these words she had just uttered, her cheeks actually turned slightly red. Sebastian's head whipped around and for the first time she saw complete confusion on his face.

"What?", he asked in disbelief, assuming that he had just interrogated himself. But he did not have that.

"Kiss me.", Serena repeated, trying to sound confident and powerful, "No one will be surprised at a kissing couple in an alley.".

Sebastian stood stiffly in front of her and looked at her as if she had finally lost her mind. Not a single muscle stirred, only his red eyes looked directly into hers, and Serena wondered what was going on in his mind. Was her thought that outlandish? Was he ashamed? Did he think it was inappropriate? Did not he find her attractive enough? Why did he seem to seduce other women almost unrestrained, but stared at her so frightened? All these questions haunted her mind while her butler continued to look at her stunned.

"But ... Lady Serena.", he said softly, forgetting that he should not call her that way, "That ... that would be ...". For the first time she heard her butler stammer. He actually seemed to miss the words! Serena would never have thought that she would experience this moment, but somehow she did not like it, that something like that seemed to upset him. Was the idea of ​​kissing her so bad for him? Unfortunately, they both did not have much time left because the police were getting closer and Serena wanted to avoid being approached by anyone and attracting attention at any cost.

Maybe it was the time pressure, the excitement or it was because Serena actually wished to finally do this. Anyway, she ignored the confused look of Sebastian and quickly stepped right in front of him.

Before he could even react, she put a hand on his neck and pulled his head down to hers. As a result of this movement, Sebastian's lips were pressed directly onto Serena's and before they knew it, Serena and Sebastian kissed each other.

Published on 06.09.2019

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