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A/n: just saw K-12! It's out early in Australia. It's so good, crybaby will always be my fav era but daaaaamnnnn the costumes. Show and tell, nurses office, strawberry shortcake and high school sweethearts are the best songs fight me. So, here's a high school au for you. Even tho I hate school lol.

Hc: L is the type that ditches class and still passes with flying colours.

Probably the most boring subject in your school was English. It was an ok subject all together, but goddamn did the teacher make it boring. You never wanted to go to that class, it was just so pointless when your teacher wasn't even teaching you anything, but here you were, walking to class as usual.

You hated this class, lots of other kids did too. You'd often thought about ditching but just never did. Too worried about getting yelled at. But today was a bit different, as you were walking down the halls, you felt a hand grab your arm and start to pull you back down the hall.

"What the -"

You turned to see none other than your class buddy Ryuzaki.

"I'm bored, you're ditching with me"

"What? But we'll get in trouble!" You said.

"Have you ever seen me show up to that class? And have I ever gotten in trouble? That teacher doesn't care" he replied.

Before you knew it you were walking out the front doors and he was dragging you off to wherever he went during his ditching class sessions.

"But-" you began.

"(Y/n), it'll be fine" he cut you off.

As much as this worried you, you did trust him, and you did wonder what he did when he left anyway. So, you followed him.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"The park"

"The park?"

"Yeah. No ones ever there at this hour because everyone is at work and school" he replied.

He dragged you to the park down by the lake and toward the garden part, where flowers surrounded a big hedge maze. A maze he pulled you into and effortlessly turned the correct corners to get to the centre.

"So this is where you go?" You asked.

"I've been there tons of times, I know my way in and out of this maze like the back of my hand"

"What do you even do?"

"Read, eat, cas-"

He cut himself off, suddenly realising that whatever it was he was going to say, he shouldn't.


"Nothing, never mind"

You made it to the centre, where you sat down opposite each other and pulled off your bags. Just like his usual behaviour in class, Ryuzaki unzipped his bag to pull out a bag of marshmallows.

"Geez, do you ever not have some kind of candy?" You asked.

"Nope, it's a necessity" he replied, ripping open the bag and taking a few.

He held the bag out to you and you gladly took a few, it was free candy, you weren't gonna pass that up.

"Ok but seriously, you can't just sit here and eat for an hour. What else do you do?"

"I said, read"

"Every single day? Wouldn't that get a bit boring?"

"I wish I could tell you more. But I have to wait until after we graduate" he sighed.

"Huh? What for? You know you can trust me with anything right?" You said.

"It's not that I don't trust you, it's just... mandatory. A safety thing"

You tilted your head in confusion. What secrets could this guy be hiding? Was he secretly a government experiment? Maybe that's why he was so smart with zero effort needed. Or maybe he was a runaway and people were out to get him? No that's stupid. He's just some normal guy, a little odd. But the again we all have our quirks. He sighed again, putting a marshmallow in his mouth and chewing it absent mindedly.

"Look, I want to tell you but... I can't not until after we graduate" he said.

"Well... can I have a hint?" You asked.

He thought for a moment, thinking of something he could say that would put you on the right track but not give it away completely.

"Put it this way. Most of us in class have part time jobs in fast food and retail... I've been working a much more... demanding job since primary school. I sometimes work on it out here. It's more important than a useless English class anyway"

You just got even more confused. It made sense he had some kind of a job, you didn't get to see him often outside of school, but what makes you start in primary school and what on earth is so demanding? You always knew Ryuzaki was mysterious but this was a whole new level. Some espionage level stuff.

"What are you, a spy?" You joked.

"Not exactly" he giggled.

"I dunno what that's meant to mean... you're 17 what on earth could you be doing at 17. The only thing I can think of that you'd have to start at an early age to land a job in is... dancing? Maybe acting? But we all know you'd rather blend in with the shadows than be up on a stage"

"That's true"

You thought to yourself again, taking some of the marshmallows and stuffing them in your mouth. What on earth could this boy be doing? What on earth was so secretive?

"Can I have another clue?"

He thought to himself, before speaking up as he dug through his bag for a water bottle.

"Aliases are involved-"

"SO YOU ARE A SPY!" You exclaimed.

"Not quite, but..." he laughed.

"You're... a CIA agent?"


"Bigger? What so you're the president?" You joked.

"Not that big"

What was bigger than the CIA? Some secret organisation the public didn't know about.

"Ok then, keep your secrets. But you HAVE to tell me the second we're odd school grounds when he graduate. Deal?" You said.


You held out your pinky, wanting a pinky promise. He obliged and linked his with yours, the both of you shaking on it.

"I guess that makes two things I'll tell you on graduation" he said.

"Two? Goddamnit Ryuzaki! Stop making me die of  suspense!"

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now