Insidious 2

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  I was in my room and i heard pans drop in the floor in the kitchen. i walked down stairs to see why the pans droped. no one was home, i was by myself with my baby brother. i picked up the pan and then the front door opened. i walked to the front door to see if someone was outside. i looked left, no one was thers so i looked right and no one was there. i close the door baby brother started to cry so i rushed upstairs and checked up on him. i felt like someone or something was watching me. thats when my life stared to go hell.

  my dad brought a brand new camera. he was the type of person to record everything about what he does in the house. i never told my dad what had happend that night so i told my dad if he can buy me a camera so i can investagate what had happend. that same day he went out with my mom and it was just me and brother alone at 2:00 P.M. my little fell asleep and io was just up by myself once again. hours later my dad and mom came home. my dad walked into my room and gave me my camera. my mom and dad had a rough day so they went to sleep. so thats when i started to investagte.

 as i turned on my camera and i started to record i saw this little girl on my camera with a long white dress then when i pulled the camera down she was no longer there, i was really scared. so i paused the camera and played what i just saw. i really thought i was going crazy but i was not. i left the room for a quick second. i was at the age of 19 still living with my parents. after what i had seen i left to go live with my boyfriend. until this day i still never told my parents why i moved in with him. my mom had droped my brother off at my house with my boyfriend brad. i went to put up a baby monitor in his spare room so i can hear everythings on whats going on upstairs.

 as i was playing the piano, my baby brother stared to cry and i heard an angry man say "I want you, I want you, I want you, im going to kill you" i rushed upstairs to go check up on him and i saw a big white man wearing a black and white suit with blood on him. i yelled out brads name outloud, brad came as quickly as possible. i told brad i have seen this man behind my baby brothers drapes that was connected to his bed. he didnt want to believe me and all i did was cry. around 12:00 the alarm went off. i told brad to go and see if the front door was open. as he went downstairs the front door was open. he did the same thing tht i had done, he looked left no one was there, he looked right still no one was the so therefore sayed hello and no one replyed all he herd was the wind passing by his face. brad had set back the alarm and looked the door. as he was half way up the stairs the alarm went back off. brad had set the alarm back on and then check the whole house. the alarm wouldn't shut up. brad and i was really scared.

i told brad if we can move into another house and he ageered. so wen found another house a couple of miles away. brad had to go to work so i was alone putting away all the boxes. my music started playing out of no where. i walked into the livivng room and then the music had stopped. i heard little kids talking in my little brothers room, i checked evreywhere but the closet, so i opened it and it was these two litte kids that did not know zooming out and into the hallway. i was very scared so i looked up and it was this drawing of an all black moster type thing with a red and black face. brad had came home later that night and i wanted to show him what was on the wall. brad walked in and saw nothing. he thought i was going crazy but i knew what had saw. i contacted someone who im close with, which was my grandma. she came over after all the stuff that i had told her

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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