Her Haven

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             The sound echoes through the room as small droplets of crimson fall to the floor. Staining it's snowy white a off pink color. Melanie's eyes drifted from her bleeding hand to to the window which was before her. She could see the world outside, but she doubted heavily in her mind the the people of the outer world knew of her. She had never once was allowed out of her families dwelling, so how were they to know of her suffering? For great reason she did not leave her home. She was different. In her state of mind, in her appearance, in every possible way imaginable, Melanie Haven was different . The people of the village to which she was bound to by force knew naught of her existence, only of her younger sister Evangeline did they know. Her parentage disowned her and kept her locked away like a caged animal. While in the room below her own they natured, loved, and worshiped their beautiful Evangeline.Through the many years she lived a prisoner Melanie's heart shriveling under the pressure of the thorns which muffled her pleading souls outcries for help. After what seemed to be hours of sitting in a very uncomfortable cherry colored wooden chair; Melanie rose. Her feet hitting the floor with a loud thumping noise which could have obviously have been heard from below. She let her right foot slush about in the red liquid, which had only just begun to dry ever so slowly. Drip....... Drip........ Her blood seemed to say to her as each droplet fell. But she refused to wrap her hand, the crimson color soothed her, it made her feel like less of the beast to which she was treated, and more like the human she really was. Drip....... 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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