Chapter 5 Part 2

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Not a very exciting chapter-part-thingie, but a chapter-part-thingie nonetheless

And special thanks to Spingborn for giving me motivation when I had none. And thank you for reading this far.

I got a rag, wet it, then put some dish soap on it. I got the soap all bubbly and wiped down the shoes. I then rinsed and dried the shoes. I took the shoes with me as I checked Paris' clothes.

I took his outfit out of the washer and put them into the dryer. I placed his shoes on the dryer and started to walk to my room, till I heard, "(Y/n)!" Paris was yelling for me. I ran to the bathroom and the door was wide open. Lily was in the bathroom with him, throwing questions at him left right and center.

"Will you please get her out of here!?"

"Oh my god Lily, get the fuck out! Have some respect, will you?" I grabbed her arm and started to drag her out. "I didn't think you could go this low." At first, she tried fighting me, but I was stronger, so she gave up. I pushed her out and locked her out... again.

"Paris, your clothes are almost done, and I hand washed your shoes." I said as I turned my back to the now locked door.

"Thank you (Y/n), your help is greatly appreciated." Paris said as he peeked out from the curtain, making sure it was just me and him. He pulled the curtain back some, so that part of his torso was showing. I blushed and tried to keep my eyes on his.

I approached him, slowly. Once I was in his grasp, he wrapped an arm around my back and brought me the rest of the way to him.  The only thing in between us was the shower curtain.

He looked down at my flustered face, and I looked up at his calm and collected face.

"Can I see you kiss?" Lily pleaded at the door.

"No!" Me and Paris screamed in unison.

I pulled him into a quick kiss. The curtain was still in between me and Paris, but I could feel the outline of his body. He moved close to my ear and whispered, "Thanks (Y/n), for everything," low enough so that Lily couldn't hear.

"I should be the one thanking you," I whispered back and lightly bit his ear. He pulled away from me and turned off the water. "I'll go get your clothes, they should be done by now."

"Alright... be quick." He longed to be with me.

"I will, Paris." I said as I closed the door. I went off to fetch his clothes. They were damp and wrinkly. It would have to do. I took out all of his clothes and started to walk back. Lily stopped me.

"Hey (Y/n), whatcha doing?" She asked me.

"I'm taking Paris' clothes to him. He finished his shower. No, we didn't do anything." I stated as I tried to walk past her, but she blocked me.

"Are you sure?" She questioned me.

"Yes, I'm positive. Now let me pass. Incase if you haven't noticed, were not on the best terms..." I leaned in close to her and whispered in a low voice, "...and you're playing with fire. If you don't stop, you will get burnt. I'm surprised you haven't gotten burnt yet, but this streak of yours won't last long. You ought to stop, before something bad happens."

"Geez, why are you so mad?" Lily asked me, taking a few steps back.

"You haven't seen mad yet, and trust me, you don't want too. You will regret it." I threatened. She backed up and I stormed past. I went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I locked it and gave Paris his clothes.

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