2 - tell me why

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"Nine? What is the problem?" The director had asked aloud.

"I'm sorry. Sorry. I just.. I'm sorry." Nine apologizes to the whole crew awkwardly.

They were shooting episode 6. More particularly the most awaited MingKit kiss.
Nine and Joong was laying down on the bed as three cameras surrounded them.

As Joong would close their distance, Nine would chant in his head.

I can do this.

I can definitely do this.

Psssh. This is easy.



I can't do it.

Everytime Joong would lean in to kiss him Nine instinctly moves away, avoiding him. It had been 5 takes now.

The director and the screen writer had shown a bit of frustration with Nine's performance.

Nine knew this of course. He himself is embarassed at how unproffesional and difficult he was.

"We should take 5!" The director yelled and everyone moved to take a break.

Nine bit his lips. He was ashamed. He was an actor, a singer- an artist. He trained and performed all his life and now he can't even kiss his co-loveteam. This clearly hasn't happened before.

"P'? What's wrong? Do I have bad breath?" Joong chuckles playfully.

He had immediately blushed. Joong smells like fresh mint. How Nine was able to take note of it is beyond his comprehension.

"I.. Uhh.. I'm just not myself today." He answered as he stood up from the bed leaving Joong alone.

"Nine come here. We need to talk to you." The director's face seemed serious and Nine started to get nervous as he approach them.

"I'm really sorry. I'll do better on the next take." He immediately said.

"I think you and Joong needs to rehearse the scene privately first. You also need to break the ice between you two."

The director had explained to him that his aloofness towards Joong has been greatly translated into the last few episodes but as their characters grew closer the uneasiness and distance needed to be toned down or it might be the only thing the camera would capture.

"For now we'll shoot the other cast member's scene. Okay? You and Joong can take the rest of the day off and relax."

Nine nodded and sighed.

"Nine? It's okay. This is normal. It happens. Don't beat yourself up about it."

Nine feels like he isn't doing his job right, that he is being ungrateful for the opportunity that he was having. This is what he had wanted for so long and he isn't gonna let it all go to waste. But right now, it's what exactly he was doing, wasting this.

"Joong let's go home."

His coworker followed him. Joong didn't try to annoy him or joked around him. Just like Nine, he was quiet the entire drive to their condo.

He was disappointed. Why can't he kiss Joong for that shot? It would be over before he even noticed it. And he had kissed a lot of girls before, both for theater and the ones he dated.

Joong sat cross legged on the couch. Just staring at Nine in front of him.

"P'? Are you alright?" He asked.

Nine was pacing back and forth.

"Y-yes? Yes. Yes I am." Nine sounded unsure.

Joong stood up and took him by the hand, dragging him to their shared bedroom. Nine yelped in surprise.

"J-joong! What are you doing?" He tried to break free.

"We are going to practice." Joong said as he locked the bedroom door.

"P-practice? I know my lines okay. It's j-just.." Nine trailed off unable to find an excuse.

"We are not going to practice just the lines P." Joong interjected.

"Then what are we-"

Before Nine could finish his sentence, Joong had already interrupted him.

"We're going to practice the kiss too."

Nine felt a loud thump in his chest and a lump in his throat. He stared at Joong.

Oh sh*t. He's serious. Somebody help me.

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