❄ Chapter 7 ❄

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Sometimes when you think you hit rock bottom, you sink below the rock.

Well, that's what I think when I'm shoved down the dungeon steps into pitch darkness; stripped naked.

I can't see a thing down here as I hit the wet floor.

I hear a complete silence that would drive anyone mad.

I also smell Snow.

I can't see him, not a single light illuminates the corners of the room or the place he rests.

We're both in complete pitch black and though I smell the wolf, I do not hear him past a light flutter of his breath past his lips. 

Snow was poisoned, after all.

I hold my dagger tight and I carefully stand on my two feet.

"Snow?" I call out.

What terrifies me is that the sound of light breathing stops the very moment I speak.

Then, nothing but silence.

Was I imagining noises then a lack of such, already? How quickly could you go insane from fear, no literal light, no hope, with no reason to go on, knowing your face is about to get carved off by morning?

I walk forward a step or two, then I pause, holding the dagger out in front of me. I realise I might walk into him and poke him with the end of it, so I flip it and hold the blade instead. I do so carefully, as one end is not so sharp, more like a kitchen knife than a well refined weapon.

"Snow?" I whisper this time, "Are you awake?"

I turn around in a circle, slowly, my arm out stretched when I feel the hairs on my neck rise.

I walk forward, to where I feel he maybe lurking.

"Snow," I whisper a third time, "This is not a trick, it's me, it's Ellie..." I don't know why I'm helping him.

Lest of all when the dagger in my hand is swiped from me.

Snow takes the handle and he barks laughter from somewhere in front, amused I'd hold the blade towards me rather than to him.

We had to build trust somewhere, didn't we?

"Oh, you stupid child. They told me if I cut out your heart, they'd let me and my pack go free," Snow chuckles as he walks seemingly to the side of me, and then the back.

I spin and stumble to the side, trying not to trip on something I can't see. But so far, it's just cold stone under my feet.

"...your pack... Snow... they're all dead..." I whisper, "Didn't you know?"

"Don't lie to me, Ellie," Snow snarls low, clearly in denial, "The Queen would never kill her prized trophy warriors."

"I saw their skinned fur, and I was forced to eat their candied blood upon apples - I am not lying, Snow, please believe me. I was rather told that if we work together, and we manage to escape, the Queen will allow us freedom to leave. We simply must manage a miracle. How do we get out of here -?"

"We? She would allow me to roam, she's in love with me - why would she let you find freedom in one of her games? You're worthless to her -" Snow growls as I hear him circling me, and I protectively put a hand over my heart.

"No. She wants... to cut off my... face... she wants to steal my face," when I whisper it in a gasp, finally admitting it to myself, my knees wobble and I fall forward, puking everything out. I think I'll just kneel here retching until my heart itself falls out my throat.

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