Heat stroke

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Tori POV
After skipping home I plug her number into my phone. We spoke for awhile before I passed out.. hehe. The next day at school some thing seems off when I go to talk to Amanda. She's still as cute as ever but she had long sleeves. It wasn't something someone normally would notice or care about but it was higher then 100°f. I took it with a grain of salt and continued our day. While day dreaming in math I saw her walk into the class. The teacher checked her schedule and sat her next to me. I was so glad almost bursting from excitement. She looked happy but it almost looked like she in was physical pain. I asked her for her schedule and it seemed like she had been switched into all my class. I yelled "yes" really loudly and everyone turn to look at me. She giggled, she was so dam cute. We when though our classes all was fine until we started 6th period. Gym. I was surprised she didn't have a sport for gym, but I was happy none the less.
We walked in and she just stood in the locker room. I asked her if something was wrong but all I got in response was " I'm just waiting for most of the girls to leave". At first o thought it was because she was uncomfortable with half dressed female bodies but that wasn't the case...

(Sorry it short I know but I was trying to get it out before 12 :) love yalll )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2019 ⏰

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