five ; werewolf thunder dome

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"She's not dead!"

Sage let out a deep sigh, leaning her head on the back of Stiles' shoulder as she felt exhaustion hit her. She was sitting on top of one of the operation tables alongside Isaac. It had been fifteen minutes of Derek refusing to believe that Erica was dead, and in that fifteen minutes they had gotten no further in trying to find the one person that was actually alive. Boyd was still at the bank somewhere, and she would rather take the chance of finding him and confirming whether he's alive or dead than just giving up all together.

Stiles, also fed up with Derek's denial, spat out, "Derek, he said, 'there's a dead body, it's Erica.' That doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation."

"Then who was in the vault with Boyd?" Derek reiterated, his eyebrows raising as he tried to find any solid evidence that would support his case in believing that Erica was still alive.

Sage's head lifted up from Stiles' shoulder. "Maybe they took another werewolf."

"Why would they take another werewolf?" Derek questioned, anger lacing in his words.

The blonde shrugged her shoulders, rubbing her eyes as she tried to get rid of the utter defeat that was growing stronger. While she was borderline irritated at the way Derek acted earlier, she also knew that she couldn't just push aside the main problem like she had grown used to. However, the sleep deprivation wasn't going to have their minds functioning any better to find the answers. "I don't know, Derek. Why did they take two werewolves in the first place?"

"Your sarcasm isn't helpful in this situation, Sage."

Sage narrowed her eyes on him. "Neither is your denial to believe the truth."

"Look," Scott interrupted, trying to stop the bickering between Derek and Sage. "Maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle, okay? The one that saved you, Isaac."

Isaac shook his head, dismissing the idea immediately. "No, she wasn't like us, and whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

Sage's eyebrows furrowed, and she sat up a bit as she evaluated Isaac's words. She hadn't really thought about it before, aside from when she was referencing the rabid wolves, but she never really intercepted the ideas of gladiators and werewolves. When, in reality, that could be exactly what was happening. It's a fight for survival, only the strongest will survive."Guys. What if that's how Erica died? They pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. Survival of the fittest."

"That's like werewolf thunder dome," Stiles quipped, although there wasn't much humor in his voice. It was an actual comment on her theory, just his usual dosage of sarcasm already laced in the words. Sage didn't even find it in herself to scold him.

Derek frowned, looking between everyone. "Then we get them out tonight."

"Be smart about this Derek," Deaton commented for the first time, glancing back towards the Alpha. "You can't just go storming in."

"If Isaac got in then so can we."

"But he didn't get through a vault door, did he?"

Scott stepped forward. "We need a plan."

"Yes, because our last plan went so well," Sage said, gesturing towards Isaac who's lips were still slightly blue, curls damp on his forehead. "How in the hell are we going to break into a bank vault in less than twenty-four hours? You idiots could barely break into the ice rink last year."

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