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"Roo...are you aware you have a fat ass hickey on your neck? For the 50th time" Roo flipped her hair and smiled

"Oh for real" Zy laughed

"You are so fucking stupid" Roo laughed

"Sis who keeps giving you these?" Roo smiled widely

"My girl" Zy looked at her confused

"Yo girl??" Roo nodded

"She sitting in the bleachers over there" Zy looked to where Roo was pointing

"YOU DATING A STUD?!" Everyone looked over at them the looked away

"Damn, yes" Zy smiled

"Since when do you go for studs?" Roo sighed and looked over at Tae

"Never, until now" Zy snickered

"Ok you can stop drooling, I'm gonna talk to her"

"I need to shower and change so don't say anything stupid" Zy patted Roo's shoulder

"You already know I will" Roo shook her head and laughed a little


I watched Ronnie walk into the locker room and Zy started walking towards me. Zy was Roo's bestfriend, I liked her, she was funny and the girliest stud I ever met. Zy sat next to me and I turned toward her.

"So you and Roo are dating now?" I smiled

"Yeah we ar--"

"You better not fucking hurt her or I will snap your skiny ass neck" I could see she was deadass serious

"I won't Zy, I promise" she smiled

"So how long have you been dating?" I sighed

"About 2 weeks now" Zy's eyes widened

"And didn't tell nobody?" I shrugged

"We kinda just lettin them figure it out, you know how nosy these bitches are" Zy nodded

"Y'all fucked yet?" I looked at her and shook my head

"Nah" Zy sucked her teeth

"Why not?" I shrugged

"I don't know" Zy raised an eyebrow

"You a virgin?" I was a little taken aback by that

"Bitch do I look like a virgin?" Zy shrugged

"Little bit" I rolled my eyes

"Wow, thank you" she laughed

"But you do though" I scoffed

"What y'all laughing about" we both looked up at Roo then back at eachother

"Nothin" Zy finally said and stood up "imma get outta here, later y'all"

She gave Roo a hug and waved at me with a wink before she left.

"What was that about " I stood up infront of her

"What was what about?" Roo rolled her eyes

"Don't play dumb, she winked at you" I wrapped my arms around her waist

"I know she did" Roo groaned in frustration

"And she was laughing, what were you talkin about" I chuckled

"Awe, are you jealous?" She stayed silent "awe my baby's jealous, theres nothing going on Ronnie I promise"

"You swear?" I nodded

that's gay (stud x stud)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora