Chapter 7: It's On

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Mitch woke up at 2am, with a goal to start executing your plan the two of you have been working for eighteen months. He slightly shook you awake, leaving you clueless of what was happening.

•Mitch's P.O.V.

Yn slowly opened her eyes and turned on her hip to face me. "What? What's going on?" "It's time." That decision was the strongest I've had after proposing to Katrina. "Time for wh... You're kidding." "I'm certainly not." "Are you sure?" "One hundred percent." "Okay, then... It's on." She let out a small breath, shocked at this decision.

We sat by our computers and entered a secret message board we pulled many strings to find. The leader of it was a guy responsible for our hell.

He was leading a group of terrorists who were following every order of his. Yn and I came up with a plan to join that group and gain their trust so we can kill every peace of shit. Those were our Islam studies for.

As we began the chat, the leader was easy on us, asking us simple questions, like names, but after that, it turned into a real quiz.

He started checking our knowledge of quotes, reasons of some important characters' actions in the past, even some relations.

But he didn't know who was he chatting with. Yn and I, we ain't stupid, we found a reason and there weren't time for laziness and procrastination.

"You in?" She asked me once she stepped away from the screen. "Are you?" "Come on, we both know we're in." Her confidence was noticeable, that's what I needed to gain mine. She winked at me.

We got ourselves a meeting with him. So we started packing our stuff for trip to Libya.

•Your P.O.V.

"We did it. We fucking did it, Mitch." I started pacing around the room, fully excited because of our progress. "Don't let yourself be satisfied yet, there's still much to do, Yn." He had that straight face, not showing any emotion. He was fully into it, so I had to calm myself down. I didn't wanna screw this up.

The next thing I knew, we found ourselves in Libya, surrounded by many of the leader's puppies. The day was hot, we could feel it in the sand we were standing on.

The place looked wrecked. Old buildings, with just old, fucked up walls, dust and dirt was seeable even from the outside.

Suddenly two guys put black bags on our heads, lead us somewhere further and stopped us.

Once they took off our bags, there was a Muslim man, around Mitch's height, black and grey hair and long beard.

It was him.

Creator of our hell.

Destroyer of our lives.

The man who didn't know what was coming for him.

"Why do you want to join?" He suddenly asked us. Unaware of the question, without any answer there was I standing in front of that monster, but Mitch answered first, giving me some time to think.

"I believe my path is taking me here." Good one Mitch.

The leader turned to look at me.

"Allah makes the impossible possible. I believe I can continue his work."

With just a nod from him, those guys put the bags, again, and we entered one of the wrecked buildings.

They strapped us to chairs and took off bags.

"We aren't quite done, yet. I need to ask you few more questions." He said, sitting in front of us. Good, bitch, bring it on.

He asked Mitch a name of a certain person and the leader disagreed on his answer. He told him it was wrong, but that's when I kicked in to tell him Mitch was right.

He didn't know we were prepared for some trick questions, too. Moron.

Mitch and I looked at each other, relieved, but what next? We were strapped, and by the look he was giving me, he wanted to wait a little longer, for the perfect chance.

But then, with a blink of an eye, our plan changed, and it wasn't in our force. Damn it.

The cell we were in filled with bullets, and Mitch and I threw ourselves down to break our chairs.

The place was ambushed by U.S. Special Forces, they were tracking the group down and had this thing planned.

They took our ability for vengeance when they killed every son of a bitch that was on our damn list. That was our kill, and they screwed it.

Once Mitch and I saw our main target dead, the target we have been working our asses of for eighteen month to kill him, we lost it.

We both reached for two knives we found in hands of dead bodies around us and crawled towards the leader with tears lowering our sight, stabbing him everywhere, hoping he could still feel it. But he didn't. He was long gone.

They gave him a quick death, and he deserved to suffer the worst tortures.

Our only hope of finding peace and not having nightmares was gone.

Forces came to separate Mitch and me from the dead leader, they barely did that. We were resisting so much, that we wanted to scream like hell.

"No!" We both screamed at our lost hope, and ruined plan.

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